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Reaching out to our community

FCNNEWSSOURCE CHICAGO ( - As the first winter storm of the season brought high winds, occasional heavy rains and a nasty mix of sleet and snow, local area residents joined many across the country, as they prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday. Nestled in the small gymnasium of Muhammad University of Islam on the South side, rows of empty boxes lined...

A Nation Divided: U.S. Government Causing Confusion Over COVID-19

NEWS ANALYSIS “The nations of the Earth are in distress—with perplexity, which means confusion. Are the heads of our government confused? You mean you can’t sit down in a room and agree on a way forward to solve the problems of the American people? ... The confusion that you wanted to produce and have produced among us: Now God is...

The terror of America’s weather

( - While the threats of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction have been proven null and void, America does have to contend with the current weather of mass destruction that is devastating lives and property from coast to coast. The number of lives lost is rising, costs are mounting, and the weather remains a terror that neither America's money,...

U.S.-China powerplays for global influence increase hostilities

The manifest loss of America as a dominant global power was apparent during a visit to Africa by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that ended a multicontinental tour where he also went to Southeast Asia. The Africa portion was seen as another strategic move in the China-U.S. competition for inroads and dominance on the continent and the vying...

Police brutality: Alive and well in America

( - Juanita Young is legally blind and suffers from asthma. But that did not stop the New York Police Department from arresting her in June 2003, charging her with trespassing, holding her for 35 hours and refusing her medical attention. According to Ms. Young, she was asleep in her bed when officers from the 40th Precinct in the Bronx...

Health fair offers helpful information, guidance

“Get Your Health Back!” was the theme of a summertime health fair held in Chicago at Muhammad University of Islam. Spearheaded by Student National Auditing Supervisor A’ishah Muhammad with the assistance from the Ministry of Health and Human Services, along with many others, the health fair was a success. “The purpose of this health seminar is to inform, to educate, to...

Bush to continue producing ‘packaged new stories’

NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Despite a rising chorus of condemnation from journalists and media critics, the George Bush administration shows no signs of abandoning its distribution of taxpayer-funded “news” to U.S. newspapers, radio and television stations. Free press advocates are up in arms about what they say is the covert dissemination of propaganda by government agencies. In one case, the...

A demonstration of sincere love and the power of friendship

Nisa Islam Muhammad and Brenda D. Muhammad The Final Call @TheFinalCall WASHINGTON—The power and importance of sincere love was on display when the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan recently visited and laid wreathes at the graves of his longtime friends, civil rights pioneer Dr. Dorothy Height; activist, humanitarian and comedian Dick Gregory and former D.C. Mayor Marion S. Barry Sr. He...

Mid-year financial review

Can you believe we are nearing the mid-point of 2005? From a broad financial standpoint, the stock market is down slightly since the beginning of the year, short-term interest rates appear to be headed upwards, the war in Iraq continues to drag on and gasoline prices are steadily increasing. How do these changes affect your financial plan? On a...

Power, Politics and the Unraveling of a Great Nation Committee Votes 9-0 to subpoena former President Donald Trump, but will it matter?

The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6attack on the United States Capitol conducted its ninth hearing on the post-election violence following the 2020 national elections. The members voted to subpoena former President Donald J. Trump to account for his role in the attempted coup. “Four months ago, this committee started to present our findings to you, the American...