America Surrounded with The Judgment of Allah
The four great judgments that Almighty Allah (God) is bringing upon America are rain, hail, snow and earthquakes. We see them now covering all sides of America, as the Holy Qur'an prophesies, curtailing her on all her sides. And these judgments would push the people into the center of the country, and there they would realize that it is...
The Great Commotion
The great commotion of the government and people of America; the civil unrest, insurrection, mental excitement and noisy confusion–there is no action that is being taken, nor can there be any action taken, that would bring the people to a better condition of civil action. The White American people have practiced evil and injustice to the man in the mud,...
One of the first and most important truths that must be established in this day is our identity. This is what our God, Whose Proper Name is Allah, is guiding me to point out to you, my people, who are members of the Lost and Found Nation in North America. You, my people, who have been robbed of your...
The Threatened Day
As the Heavens are full of stars, it does not seem possible to the naked eye that we need add any more stars because the heavens are full of stars. As the Heavens are full of stars, so it is with the population of the earth today. The population of the earth is the greatest that it has been for...
Mary, Joseph and Jesus
The 25th of December is the birthday of Nimrod, the evil demon of the White race, who was born in the last 300 years of the civilization of Moses (17th Century B.C.). From Moses to Jesus, there were many minor prophets and there were many wicked rulers. Jesus came, warning the White race that if they did not accept the...
The Christian Holidays
My Dear Black Brothers and Black Sisters, the religion Christian holidays that you celebrate are holidays for White people and not for Black People. The White people do not worship any day belonging to Black People. Why should you worship their days...days which are to their interest and not to the interest of the Black Man? On the 25th day of...
The Hidden Truth
Hiding the truth is a very serious thing to do. It causes harm and disappointment and causes one to be misled. It causes loss of property and life. It causes the loss of friendship, beloved ones, and loss of confidence and trust. In court, it causes heavy penalties and someone's being sent to prison or to death for that of...
The Light of Allah
1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn; 2. From the evil of that which He (Yakub) has created; 3. And from the evil of intense darkness when it comes; 4. And from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in form of resolutions; 5. And from the evil of the envier when he...
The Troubled America: No Peace
‘America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.’ America, in trying to hold her place as the greatest power among the nations of earth, is one of the most troubled countries on earth today. The world has never before seen...
A Nation Of Our Own
The poor slave. After his masters let him go free, his first problem to solve was securing a home of his own for the first time. He must now do for self. Master is no longer responsible for him, he must solve his own problems. He must now realize that he must work hard to be equal of other nations....