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Kenyan troops in Haiti bring feelings of uncertainty, uneasiness

Among Haitians, mixed feelings and controversy surrounds the arrival of 200 highly militarized police from the East African country of Kenya, under the guise of aiding the Haitian National Police quell incessant violence of “gangs” wreaking havoc since earlier this year. The July 16 arrival was the second contingent of 200 Kenyan police that is expected to cap at 1,000....

China and Africa engaged in new development stage

Western powers, mainly the U.S., are seemingly hell bent on reducing China’s global economic footprint through increasing tariffs and sanctions. It is against this backdrop that scholars and policy experts from 50 nation states in Africa and China recently jointly released the Dar es Salaam Consensus at the 13th Meeting of the China-Africa Think Tank’s Forum in...

African nations continue push for self-determination 

Three African nations officially announced they are through with the pro-West regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger met in Niamey, Niger, for a daylong summit under the auspices of the L’Alliance des Etats du Sahel (AES) or Alliance of Sahel States.  President Assimi Goïta of Mali, interim President Ibrahim Traoré...

The struggle to achieve sustainable development goals amid rising debt levels

The inability of Global South countries—which include the continent of Africa—to achieve sustainable development goals in the face of rising debt levels, requires financial resources which the current Global Financial Architecture (GFA) doesn’t allow many to meet. This was the assessment made by economists Dr. Abel Gwaindepi and Dr. Amin Karimu who also wrote about the “reforms” needed to address...

Kenya’s repressive tax policies, derived from IMF austerity programs, spark protests

Thousands poured into the streets in Kenya for a second time in less than a week as the country’s majority youth population engaged in peaceful demonstrations to protest a government bill to hike taxes. Media outlets reported that live gunfire and tear gas was being used by police in the capital city Nairobi and Kisumu—the country’s third largest city—as...

How will Blacks fare under South Africa’s new coalition government?

In the aftermath of the recent elections in South Africa and the newly formed Government of National Unity (GNU), some political tensions remain and there are concerns about the country’s direction and how Blacks will fare. Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in for a second term as president. He touted his coalition government as the “beginning of a new era,”...

Africa is an indissoluble part of Cuban identity With the presence of the Cuban President, the central ceremony for Africa Day took place

A special commitment unites Cuba with Africa because through the blood of its children runs the blood of those human beings who were torn away from their lands and who made up one of the most shameful episodes of civilization: the slave trade. With that certainty, the central act for the Day of the Mother Continent was held on June...

‘De-dollarization’ of Global South puts dominance of U.S. currency in jeopardy

Recently, the Russian news agency TASS reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said BRICS is developing a payments platform that will allow them to bypass the U.S. dollar. BRICS countries include principal members of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The number of countries interested in working jointly with BRICS has increased to almost 30, Lavrov said at a...

South Africa’s election results spark concerns about coalition government outcome

The era of South Africa’s stand-alone African National Congress (ANC) hegemony may be over. And former president Jacob Zuma and his new party are making veiled threats if he’s not welcomed into what may be a future coalition government. South Africa’s recent election is seemingly ushering in a new political era. The MK, or Umkhonto we Sizwe Party, the name...

Kenya, Haiti and America’s ‘repackaged’ Africa policies 

Two years ago, at the second-ever U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summit, President Joe Biden, said that he was “all in” on the continent. He told the 49 seated African leaders at the summit that, “There’s so much more we can do together and that we will do together.” Additionally, Biden promised to visit the continent, but Africa is still waiting for that...