Farrakhan The Traveler

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Supreme Wisdom produces Supreme Changes

Farrakhan The Traveler

The following excerpts are from pages 178-184 of “This Is The One,” which begins with a mention of Daniel’s prophecy of this world’s end and the painful, but joyful, birth of the next. He foresaw a tremendous explosion of knowledge that would characterize that time. This would produce a much improved and faster means of travel. We’re in that time...

The departure of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and the modern Aaron left among God’s people

A few days ago, I watched the movie Paul, The Apostle of Christ. Before seeing the movie I thought why are they showing this movie at this time? As I watched the movie, I thought over the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's words that they would put some truth into movies, but they would never tell the full truth. More about...

The true Children of Israel and the architecture of White supremacy

How many people reacted to this book, in your city, title “Defending Farrakhan, Book 2?” How many were Black, White, Mexican and others—but important. Don’t react to me, but to God, Himself (Allah). We can read the words contained in the book from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: “I asked the question, ‘Who are the real children of Israel’? “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad...

God’s Supreme Wisdom and Position made known through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan

What time do we live in, right now? How do we know? Can we agree on this? How? Can we expect to get the answer from a thing or a person? If we agree that we can get it from a thing, what would it be? How? Can we all agree on it? Now, if we agree that it cannot be...

Living to manifest Gods attributes

Farrakhan The Traveler

It has been estimated, by some, that most people use but a very small amount of the potential of their minds. I’ve read percentages. How they arrive at those figures, and justify them, I don’t know. But the point they make is that human beings live very far within their capacity for demonstrating the qualities that make them "human." What...

‘A capsule of the highest explosives’

“And obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their annoying talk, and rely on Allah. And Allah is enough as having charge (of affairs).” (Holy Qur'an 33:48) “Surely those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter, and He has prepared for them an abasing chastisement. And those who annoy...

The Despised and Rejected Stone is Cornerstone for New World

I intend to quote excerpts from chapters of an unpublished book, “Farrakhan: God's Man On The Straight Path.” This material was written in 1988. It bears on the powerful and wise moves that Allah has been directing the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to make. I published in December 1970 This Is The One. Its focus was on the divinity of...

Recognizing the uniqueness of Allah’s (God’s) servant

Farrakhan The Traveler

On an AME Church marquee I recently saw these words: “Our favorite attitude should be gratitude.” I smiled and nodded my head in agreement. Later, I thought on these words with gratitude to Allah, as I thought on the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on and to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I thought of the magnificently wise ways...

The inner-view of Minister Farrakhan’s heart

Some of the major news magazines have covers that are intended to focus the public’s attention on major subjects concerning Jesus. On the front cover of the current U.S. News & World Report (12/18/06) is an imaginary painting of mother Mary and baby Jesus. The other time when there is a proliferation of articles on varying aspects of the history,...

Elijah Muhammad Continues Reaching The People Through His ‘Chief Witness’

If ones finds it hard to believe the word of God, on face value, it's because way down deep they don't really  respect  Him. Just look at Minister Farrakhan's work from 1977 absent his teacher onward. Why? His work ends arguments. I don't say his work ends intelligent discussion. But we must look into the root of this. I can't go...