Farrakhan The Traveler

Home Columns Farrakhan The Traveler

Understanding people and events in their proper context

It is critical to really see the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, especially at this time. I started this series of articles earlier this year in February. This series of articles is about to end. Now, I'm at the end of the specific purpose for which I wrote this series. That involves context. Without knowing context for which we read a book,...

The success of Minister Farrakhan despite difficulty factors and trials

Last week, I was so blessed to see and hear, of some of the words and work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and some who bore witness of him. I'm bearing witness, in this short article, to the truth and value of his work and the response to him, for all who follow him and others who will...

The presence and guidance of Allah

Earlier today (Monday, May 19) I read in the Arab News, (which has on its mast head: The Middle East’s leading English language daily) in the question and answer section, the following question: "Could you please explain the prophecy which speaks of the advent of the Mahdi and when will that take place? What are the signs associated with his...

For the sake of others

Some reflection on the long history leading to the birth of the Messiah, his preparation for and the events which, made his work successful, his ability to endure pain was an evitable and a necessary factor in that success. Pain was not the aim in the birth of the Messiah. But why should the Messiah's effort through which the greatest...

Bringing a people out of darkness and into the divine thinking of God

I asked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan questions that produced the book, Closing The Gap. I had a deep experience that produced section 10 of that book. As of now, I cannot fully explain it. But I included the experience in the book, along with Minister Farrakhan's reaction. After that event I was hospitalized. What happened between 1999 to 2006?...

The Despised and Rejected Stone is Cornerstone for New World

I intend to quote excerpts from chapters of an unpublished book, “Farrakhan: God's Man On The Straight Path.” This material was written in 1988. It bears on the powerful and wise moves that Allah has been directing the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to make. I published in December 1970 This Is The One. Its focus was on the divinity of...

Uprooting envy with love

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:12,13) In “The Living Bible, Paraphrased,” in the book of Exodus, Chapter 4:1, 10—16, we read: “But Moses said, ‘They won't believe me! They won't do what I tell them to. They'll say, ‘Jehovah...

We hurl truth at falsehood

I'm using some of the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when he was here in Phoenix, Arizona. I don't know when he started writing the book Our Savior Has Arrived. I know he did some of that work in Phoenix. How much, I don't know. But he finished the book in Chicago. This is part of that book. “This world's...

Qualifying and preparing ourselves for God’s government and a new world

A few articles ago I wrote: “Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking deeply over where we're at in the divine scheme of things. Also, I've been thinking deeply over what we're about to enter real soon as it pertains to the end of one world and the beginning of another world.” Most Christian theologians teach that Jesus rose...

Getting through intense darkness by seeking refuge in Allah

I interviewed the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in Phoenix, Arizona; on July 13, 2006 for the book I was on working on, titled, “Closing The Gap.” He is a very wise Muslim, who has and is going through a unique preparation to meet his teacher–the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This interview is a part of that book, titled, “Closing The Gap.”...