Farrakhan The Traveler

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Gratitude, Envy and Redemption

Farrakhan The Traveler

Editor’s Note: This article was published on March 11, 2008.] I’m asking you to either buy and give it away as a gift or motivate someone else to buy a copy of this book “Closing The Gap and read it.” On page 159 of “Closing The Gap” starts this article: Brother Jabril: Brother Minister, you have just summed up, Allah willing, how...

Guidance through the prophesied ‘time of trouble’

I'm making this clearer than ever. I'm not saying that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is Daniel. No! I'm saying to study this deeper than ever. In the Bible, we read in the book of Daniel; “it shall come a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time.” We are living in...

The Reality of God and The Black Woman

Here, in America, we were sacrificed to help make Allah truly known after 66 trillion years of the secret knowledge of the full reality of Allah. The untold misery our parents have undergone, in this land, at the hands of our enemies, is directly related to the fact that we–through our descendants–will live and rule forever. In other words,...

Hold on to your light to see through the darkness

“And your Lord says: ‘Pray to Me, I will answer you. Those who disdain My service will surely enter hell, abased.' ”   -Holy Qur'an 40:60 What the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks and acts from and urges all to acquire is certain knowledge, not theories. He teaches what he does from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who received what he...

Minister Farrakhan: ‘Designed perfectly’ for the mission of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad

I was blessed to watch the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan today, which is on the 19th of October 2008. Many people will be reading words in newspapers and elsewhere and listening to the comments of news TV persons. I pray my witness of my Brother’s divine speech that he made today is written in the following articles and how...

The impact of Minister Farrakhan’s ‘More Than A Vision’ experience

I was taken to the hospital on February 18, 2007. Without details, my condition was/is called “conduction aphasia,” medically speaking. That has caused me to think more deeper than ever on my witness of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his relation to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. That experience caused me to see deeper and appreciate more than ever,...

The Messianic identity and mission of Black people in America

Master Fard Muhammad was born in the Holy City Mecca on February 26, 1877. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad first began to celebrate this day in honor of his Teacher–Master Fard Muhammad–in the late 1940s. His followers joined him in this celebration. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan revived this day of special celebration as part of his work of lifting...

The power of prayer

“And your Lord says: ‘Pray to Me, I will answer you.' ” -Holy Qur'an 40:60 “Allah will not fail in His promise, but most people know not.”–Holy Qur'an 30:6 In Volume 25, Number 5 of The Final Call, my article contained this statement: “On the marquee of a church here in Phoenix are these words: ‘Two people cannot both love God...

A universal expression of the Teachings

Closing The Gap contains wisdom from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on how the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad relates to Spanish-speaking people, the world over. When you read his words in this book, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of why it is being translated into Spanish. Meanwhile, I hope you have (or will) read the...

Measuring and closing the gap

Today is November 11 and the 315th day of the year and the 316th in leap years. There are innumerable facts, like this one, but is nothing in comparison to what is most important to learn of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. From the perspective of a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership of Minister Farrakhan, Allah...