Farrakhan The Traveler

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The laws of success, difficulty factors, and the doing of good

Study the photo I made which you can see of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Study him, which you can see, in this article, and the timing of it–we can study his words in this–especially since 1977. Now study the timing of the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad: “Whenever you want to do good in this old wicked world,...

The true Children of Israel and the architecture of White supremacy

How many people reacted to this book, in your city, title “Defending Farrakhan, Book 2?” How many were Black, White, Mexican and others—but important. Don’t react to me, but to God, Himself (Allah). We can read the words contained in the book from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: “I asked the question, ‘Who are the real children of Israel’? “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad...

Supreme Wisdom produces Supreme Changes

Farrakhan The Traveler

The following excerpts are from pages 178-184 of “This Is The One,” which begins with a mention of Daniel’s prophecy of this world’s end and the painful, but joyful, birth of the next. He foresaw a tremendous explosion of knowledge that would characterize that time. This would produce a much improved and faster means of travel. We’re in that time...

Living to manifest Gods attributes

Farrakhan The Traveler

It has been estimated, by some, that most people use but a very small amount of the potential of their minds. I’ve read percentages. How they arrive at those figures, and justify them, I don’t know. But the point they make is that human beings live very far within their capacity for demonstrating the qualities that make them "human." What...

How to keep desires in harmony with God

Farrakhan The Traveler

Brother Jabril Muhammad: Brother Minister, as you know, the scriptures teach that the evil move that was made against Joseph, by his brothers, was out of envy. Jesus, of course, suffered envy. A great deal of what happens today, in America and elsewhere, is motivated by jealousy and envy. What gives rise to jealousy and especially envy? The Honorable Minister Louis...

Actual facts: The source of true understanding

"Under deceit, the weak minded–who have no understanding … are made prey in the hands of the archdeceiver. This will bring about war as a showdown between the God of righteousness and the God of unrighteousness ... . It already has begun."–The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, from Fall of America, page 190. One day, in Lansing, Michigan, in 1956, Brother Minister...

The Coming of God is no theory

This is being written before the Saviours’ Day speech of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. To comment on it here would be presumptive. He hasn’t delivered it yet. Presumptions and assumptions are dangerous. It’s worth looking into the definitions of "assume," "assumed," "assuming," "assumption," and "assumptive," whether the matter involved is tiny or huge. Example: Some assumed I’ve changed the...

How do we define love?

Farrakhan The Traveler

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is obviously no average human being. The universal outpouring of love for him, as he suffers, while regaining his health, last year and now, is evidence of this fact. Millions and millions of people love him. The millions who prayed for him last year, and now, do so because of the tremendous value they see in him....

Family And Unity In Bringing Hearts And Minds Together

I ended my last article with these words. “There are some special prophecies that have a double reference, or they refer to, or cover time frames in which events occur and then re-occur.   And there are still fewer very special prophetic events that are envisioned in a three-fold sense.” In other words, there are some prophecies that come through...

Faith and Following A Man With God’s Wisdom

“... I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” --Isaiah 42:16 I’m continuing some with excerpts from what I wrote starting in April...