Farrakhan The Traveler

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Understanding Minister Farrakhan and following his lead

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD the God of host, shall be with you ... . Hate the evil, and love the good … .” This is from The King James Bible, Amos (Chapter 5:14, 15.) This is also written in The Holy Qur'an but it's written differently, in English but it produces...

Envy, Hypocrisy and Conspiracy

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  I'm continuing excerpts from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's study guide number 17 on Hypocrisy and Conspiracy and then from his words in Closing The Gap. “At their wits end, high officials in the U.S. government plan. If they cannot win in a court of law, they must exacerbate tensions within organizations and among leaders,...

More Than A Vision Part 9: A Deeper Look

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List Now, fourthly, he is dismissed and flown back to earth. On the way down he was taken in a way that permitted him the spectacular sight of the Mother Plane, from above it, before he landed just outside of Washington, D.C. At this point his vision...

The integrity of Allah and the purpose of suffering injustice

Farrakhan The Traveler

The word “attitude” generally means “a mental position with regard to a fact or state; a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state; state of mind.” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has made it clear, time and again that our attitude–in all circumstances–is a major factor in energizing us to do what we must do to properly relate to...

Waking up and looking at religion

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD And certainly We conferred a favour on Moses and Aaron. And We delivered them, and their people from the mighty distress. And We helped them, so they were the vanquishers. And We gave them both the clear Book. And We guided them on the right way. Holy Qur'an Surah 37 verses 114-118 (Maulana Muhammad Ali) Again (of old) We bestowed...

God appoints the helper for a divine man in a divine mission

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD In the Holy Qu'ran we can read this: “… my brother, Aaron, he is more eloquent in speech than I, so send him with me as a helper to confirm me. He said: … We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you. With Our signs, you two and those who follow you, will triumph.” Holy...

Our Saviour Has Arrived

Farrakhan The Traveler

“And thy Lord is Forgiving, Full of Mercy.” (Holy Qur'an 18:58) “And certainly We have repeated (warnings) in this Qur'an that they may be mindful. And it adds not save to their aversion.” (Holy Qur'an 17:41) “certainly narratives have come to them, which should deter–Consummate wisdom–but warnings avail not… .” (Holy Qur'an 54:4, 5) Early in my experience in the Nation...

Getting through intense darkness by seeking refuge in Allah

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD I interviewed the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in Phoenix, Arizona; on July 13, 2006 for the book I was on working on, titled, “Closing The Gap.” He is a very wise Muslim, who has and is going through a unique preparation to meet his teacher–the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This interview is a part of that book, titled, “Closing The Gap.”...

Gratitude, Envy and Redemption

Farrakhan The Traveler

More Excerpts from 'Closing the Gap…' Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published on March 11, 2008.] I’m asking you to either buy and give it away as a gift or motivate someone else to buy a copy of this book “Closing The Gap and read it.” On page 159 of “Closing The Gap” starts this article: Brother Jabril: Brother...

Signs in the heavens

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD In my last article I wrote: “I intend to make myself clear why I use the word, ‘explain,' next article, Allah willing. I also intend to quote from Mother Tynnetta Muhammad and explain why I quoted from her in this series.” But an event forced me to write this article, differently than what I intended. Each of us knows of events,...