Farrakhan The Traveler

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Closing The Gap: Divinely guided men and their students

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD I'm repeating this article on March 15, 2014. Here it is. You can see the photograph of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that appears on page 378 in the book Closing The Gap. I made that book, with the help of others. I've never given all the details of what made me to do it. I took that photograph of Minister...

Healing the Black nation

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD The Million Man March is being launched by God Himself, through the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. It will be part of the fulfillment of a certain set of significant prophecies, contained in the scriptures, which contain God's plan written in advance. This event–especially Minister Farrakhan's explanation of it–helps to destroy the sick and deadening “Niggers Ain't Nothing” syndrome. Syndrome means: “A...

Collective determination and power to overcome opposition

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the disbelievers, compassionate among themselves.” From Muhammad Ali translation, Holy Qur'an Surah 48:29 In Vol. 28 No. 47 I mentioned a talk the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan did in Los Angeles, California on September 13, 1985. It was actually done on September 14, 1985. I...

‘Divine and human nature is built by God on principles’

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks and writes volumes of wisdom. This is a part of it. Why am I mentioning this, especially at this time–at the end of time! Minister Farrakhan delivered a short, but powerful talk, in a church, October 1, 1989. I was there when he delivered that address. I know what produced it and what came out...

A Valuable Blackman Part 2

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Allah has written: "I shall certainly prevail, I and My Messengers…" --Holy Qur'an 58:21 Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List What were the factors that led to the fall of the Nation of Islam nineteen years ago? To what extent are these factors still present? What made the Honorable Elijah Muhammad so sure...

Critical, divine and mathematical thinking

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD There are many Black men and women who have thoughts of, or who have gone well beyond thinking, and are doing work to develop themselves into becoming a “leader” in one field or another, with the thought of “helping my people.” Then, the study of A Torchlight for America, written by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, is a must to...

The benefits of understanding historical context of faith traditions

Here is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's answer to my question respecting "the 104 books." Jabril Muhammad: "Brother Minister, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that he was given a list of 104 books by Master Fard Muhammad, as part of his studies. After his Teacher's departure, when he was in Washington, D.C., he said it occurred to him to...

Insight into the preparation of divine messengers of God

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD In the book Closing The Gap the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is reacting to a series of questions that involves the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and more. Brother Jabril: What then led to, and what were the circumstances, which were preparatory, under which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to you, “You don't have to study.” Minister Farrakhan: Well, as he made me...

The success of Minister Farrakhan despite difficulty factors and trials

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Last week, I was so blessed to see and hear, of some of the words and work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and some who bore witness of him. I'm bearing witness, in this short article, to the truth and value of his work and the response to him, for all who follow him and others who will...

The student, the teacher and acquisition of knowledge

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD I asked Brother Cedric Muhammad and Sister Latonja Muhammad to write introductions to this book, “Closing The Gap.” Meanwhile, please read these words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that is in this book. I intend to explain why I asked both of them to write the introduction to this book. It's important. ******************************* PART VI: DETERMINING THE QUALITY OF OUR...