Jonah, Ninevah and God’s Wrath
“And why was there not a town which believed, so that their belief should have benefited them, but the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in this world’s life, and We gave them provision for a while.” —Holy Qur’an, Chapter 10, Verse 98, Maulana Muhammad Ali translation The Nation of Islam...
Saviours’ Day 2025: Our Way of Devotion
“Our Lord, and make us both submissive to Thee, and (raise) from our offspring, a nation submissive to Thee, and show us our ways of devotion and turn to us (mercifully); surely Thou art the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful. “Our Lord, and raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Thy messages and...
Saviours’ Day: A Sign of a New Day for Black People
We have suffered in this country for over 400 years. We have endured murder and oppression, exploitation and genocide at the hands of our open enemy. After such degradation and misery, it would be natural to ask why, when, or even can the suffering stop? If God has sent sages, prophets and saviours for those who endured harsh taskmasters in...
Confusion reigns as a great nation unravels
“Confusion among the heads of the government of the wicked is destroying the foundation of their world. ‘AS THOU HAST DONE SO SHALL IT BE DONE UNTO THEE.’ This World of the wicked has confused the Black Man’s world for six thousand (6,000) years. Now, their world must be removed to make way for a better world and...
New year, old bad policy: Unapologetic U.S. support for Israel’s genocide
“Every human being has value. And the value of every human being is what God has put within them when He made them after His own image and likeness. So, as they were minimizing Palestinian life, in the night He was showing me: ‘With every life that they take, that they have diminished, they have diminished the value of...
‘Watch the Weather’: God’s Chastisement strikes America
When you see Mardis Gras snowmen in New Orleans and hockey playing in southern streets amid mounds of snow, know that something of major consequence is happening. God Himself is trying to tell America and Black people something: The United States is in the grips of costly and deadly weather events because she is under divine judgment. “The four great judgments...
Can Gaza ‘ceasefire’ bring peace?
“Every human being has value. And the value of every human being is what God has put within them when He made them after His own image and likeness. So, as they were minimizing Palestinian life, in the night He was showing me: ‘With every life that they take, that they have diminished, they have diminished the value of...
It’s Saviours’ Day season!
We are coming into a special time of year for the Nation of Islam, Black America, international guests and even curiosity seekers: It’s Saviours’ Day season! It’s time for our annual convention which returns to Chicago, our headquarters’ city, in 2025. The base for our gathering Feb. 21-23 will be the grounds of our National Center and Mosque Maryam. We...
The horrific death of Robert Brooks
The brutal videotaped beating of a handcuffed Black man by White corrections officers at the Marcy Correctional Facility in New York was horrific but not surprising nor shocking. Three corrections officers beat Robert Brooks, 43, the same day he entered the prison, which has a troubled history of abuses and lawsuits. “Robert Brooks died on December 10 following a vicious...
We must depend on Allah God in 2025
As we enter the New Year, it is wise to consider the previous year and lessons to be learned. The New Year can also bring up new vision and inspiration about what we would like to accomplish in 2025 as we seek to make progress and do better. Black America in 2024 faced again serious challenges and were haunted by...