
Home Perspectives Editorials

Omarosa, the ADL and Farrakhan

By Final Call News Omarosa Manigualt was going about her business during a call in to WVON-AM 1690, Chicago's Black Talk radio station. She was interviewed by morning show hosts Maze Jackson and Charles Thomas about her role in the Trump administration as the point person for outreach to Black America. In the conversation, Omarosa shared her priority issues–education, economics, crime...

Where do we go from here? We go to work

EDITORIAL The National Election for 2020 is one of the most acrimonious and most important elections in recent years. Regardless of who wins the White House, it is our responsibility to take our future in our own hands and not have false hope in a White political saviour who will act in our best interests. As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned,...

Hajj: A Journey of devotion and unity

By Imam Sultan R. Muhammad (Editor's note: This week we offer our editorial page for an important message from Sultan Rahman Muhammad, student national imam of the Nation of Islam, about this special time of year for Muslims worldwide.) “And everyone has a goal to which he turns (himself), so vie with one another in good works. Wherever you are, Allah...

The unraveling of soulless America

FINALCALL.COM Despite calls from Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden to take the country back and restore its soul, the soul of America died long ago. If she ever had one. Thousands of people in the streets don't signal an awakening in America, it is another sign of the failures of this nation. The only thing that seems to move the powerful and...

A step toward justice, but much more is required

Exoneration sounds like a mighty fine word. It rings in the ear as if all wrongs have been righted. But we should not be fooled by the so-called “exoneration” of two men jailed, maligned, hated for a murder they did not commit. Cyrus Vance, Jr., and others inside of the same system that perpetuated this fraud and destruction of Black...

Strength, peace, joy and love in sacred spaces

EDITORIAL “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.” Psalm 133, Verses 1 and 2, King James Version Something had been missing. And that something returned with the...

A Mouthpiece For A Menace Speaks

By Final Call News Ari Fleischer, via his @AriFleischer Twitter account in early March, retweeted a short video from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's account. “This man is a menace. Maybe his account was hacked,” Mr. Fleischer declared. The Minister had delved into the great insult taken after an interview President Trump had with Bill O' Reilly of Fox News, who...

Separation, independence and the future

By FinalCall.com News In Scotland, a Western and modernized country, a referendum was recently held to determine whether Scots should remain part of the United Kingdom or strike out as an independent nation. While Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron hailed the vote 55 percent to 44 percent to stay with Britain, the question is not fully resolved. Scottish political leader Alex...

A violent video and message to Black Chicago?

By Final Call News After the shooting of a 37-year-old Black barber by a rookie police officer in Chicago's South Shore neighborhood, the police chief released a video within 24 hours of the incident in the name of transparency. His move brought more questions as the video was without sound, appeared to be edited and was only one video, though several...

Protests, prayers and continued support for Imam Jamil Al-Amin

By FinalCall.com News Efforts to bring some relief and care to Imam Jamil Al-Amin picked up with a protest outside of the Justice Department planned for June 9. Supporters of the longtime freedom fighter and respected Muslim leader remain concerned about his health and a lack of medical attention given by prison authorities. Formerly known as H. Rap Brown of the...