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Sad days, dark days and us killing us

By Final Call News There seems to be no end to the sorrow spread across America on a daily basis and the painful loss of Black life, whether at the hands of police officers or as Richard Collins III, a graduating student at Bowie State University in Maryland, was allegedly killed by a White student on the campus of the...

False ADL charges and lies don’t change the truth

By FinalCall.com News Cover of Daniel Halper's book ‘Clinton Incorporated: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine Revealed.' With help from its lackeys and extremists on the right, the Anti-Defamation League has continued its false characterizations of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam as anti-Semitic for daring to speak to the incredible amount of power and influence...

A Divine Warning and Why Soft Words Won’t Stop Gaza Genocide

What does Farrakhan have to say about the crisis in the Middle East? That cry and question were answered as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a powerful three-and-a-half-hour keynote address to thousands to close out the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day convention in Detroit where we started in 1930. Now there is another question: What will those who heard...

‘No one is watching the watchers’

By FinalCall.com News The United States has over one million people locked up in jails and prisons across the country and just over 4,300 people behind bars died in local jails and state prisons in 2012, according to federal officials. On paper most of the deaths are linked to suicide and illness, such as heart disease, but recent disclosures about some...

New possibility for a New Year?

By FinalCall.com News It's the time of year where resolutions and declarations are made and the promise of change comes to the forefront of minds and lips. Many shun New Year's resolutions and reject attaching much importance to linking change to change in the Gregorian calendar. But taking a look at oneself and one's life and deciding what things need to...

Stifling Farrakhan’s Voice

FINALCALL.COM With the announcement that Twitter was freezing the account of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, it is apparent that the enemies of freedom, justice, equality and divine guidance are steadfast in their evil efforts to derail the truth. Their opposition should not be surprising and since February 2018, there has been a constant and concerted effort to target and still...

The unraveling of soulless America

The Fall of America

Despite calls from Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden to take the country back and restore its soul, the soul of America died long ago. If she ever had one.Thousands of people in the streets don’t signal an awakening in America, it is another sign of the failures of this nation. The only thing that seems to move the powerful and...

The Day of Judgment –in which we now live

By FinalCall.com News All of the Abrahamic religions teach about the coming of God or a messianic figure at the end of the world. But teachings of God's coming and a day of judgment appear to be either an apocalyptic razing of the planet or day that will never actually come. When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered his Feb. 22 Saviours'...

The color of compassion

FINALCALL.COM Much of the country was tuned in to see the outcome of the trial of former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, a White female, who was charged with murdering a Black man in his own home. She was found guilty by a jury, sentenced to 10 years in prison and embraced by the brother of the man she killed...

Lies, damn lies and media lies

By FinalCall.com News The bloodied face of Martese Johnson, a 20-year-old student at the University of Virginia, looked like a throwback to the 1960s as he lay down on a sidewalk surrounded by White officers. But it wasn't 1960 it was 2015 and the systems of White supremacy quickly went to work. The   media spewed the account of police...