
Home Perspectives

We Must Stop the Killing

The July 4 weekend will be remembered as a horrible time involving over 1,000 people victimized by shootings or killed during the celebration of America’s independence. Many of those deaths occurred in Black neighborhoods where distraught residents have called for an end to the violence and loss of life. In Chicago, there were 100 shootings and 19 deaths, beginning Wednesday,...

Love Self First

“One of the gravest handicaps among the so-called Negroes is that there is no love for self, nor love for his or her own kind. This not having love for self is the root cause of hate (dislike), disunity, disagreement, quarreling, betraying, stool pigeons and fighting and killing one another. How can you be loved, if you have not...

The synagogue assault that never happened

he president denounced keeping worshippers from entering a Los Angeles synagogue. Karen Bass, the city’s Black mayor, vowed to punish any anti-Semite or purveyor of violence. News anchors decried this blatant attack, another terrifying assault on Jewish people.  Others condemned out-of-control, mindless rampages by radical pro-Palestine demonstrators hyped up over Israel’s war on Gaza and storm-trooping through American streets...

The majesty of Black fatherhood

Black fatherhood is one of the joys of my life. I didn’t have a relationship with my father and for many years growing up, I declared I didn’t need a father. Indeed, when I looked at many of my friends and peers, it seemed like perhaps I was better off without a father. There always seemed to be conflict...

The Great Pilgrimage: A Sign of the Promise of Allah (God)

We have entered the Islamic Holy Month of Hajj, in which the first 10 days Muslims around the world seek the Reward and Mercy of Allah (God) through heightened acts of service and devotion. Whether performing the pilgrimage or observing the sacred Hajj season in our communities, Muslims are encouraged by the significance of these days in the words...

Mistakes? Mayhem? No. This Is Outright Murder

When Israel bombs, starves or shoots Palestinians, mainstream U.S. media downplays the atrocities. Loss of life is chalked up to mistakes or the tragedy of wartime mayhem. It’s not. It’s murder. The Israeli Defense Forces’ recent slaughter of hundreds of Gazans to retrieve four Israelis taken captive by Hamas is another bloody example of unlawful killing, genocide, murder and media collusion. “Hell.”...

The Unraveling of a Great Nation: Another Step Toward Anarchy?

“There’s a verse in the Qur’an, it’s in the 16th Surah, the 92nd verse and it says, ‘Be not like her who unravels her yarn, disintegrating it into pieces, after she has spun it strongly.’  Her here is not talking about a woman, as such, but if you see somebody knitting something, with a design, and they leave it not...

Your government at work: Billions wasted, torture, detentions, kidnappings and war

President Bush’s Global War on Terror initiated after 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center seems like an eon ago. It’s been 22 years since America opened a secret prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It matters because people are still prisoners there and the U.S. probably still hasn’t learned its lessons. It matters because these military misadventures cost money and...

Atrocities, arrest warrants and major accomplices in crimes against humanity

President Biden’s “ironclad” defense of Israel in the face of International Criminal Court charges against Zionist leaders are the words of a co-conspirator in crimes that much of the world has already condemned. When you are giving Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu billions of U.S. tax dollars, 2,000 lb. bombs that devastate refugee camps, villages and cities, backing an assault that...

The power of gratitude:  The foundation for a healthy mind and body 

When was the last time we thanked Allah (God) for our heart and the ability to move or our brain for the ability to think?  Thought comes before every action.  Think about the magnificent things our body can do, such as the amazing use of our legs or our ability to use our arms if our legs are somehow...