
Home Perspectives

The unraveling of soulless America

The Fall of America

Despite calls from Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden to take the country back and restore its soul, the soul of America died long ago. If she ever had one.Thousands of people in the streets don’t signal an awakening in America, it is another sign of the failures of this nation. The only thing that seems to move the powerful and...

Our debt to society

Now that Black voters have exercised their electoral franchises, isn't it time they demand that the people they elected correct America's system of racially selective policing, prosecution and mass imprisonment? The operation of the crime control industry continues to devastate lives of millions of Black families and the economic and social fabric of their communities. The "law and order" priorities...

Building up to Saviours’ Day 1981: The Rebirth of the Nation

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent It was September 1977, at the annual Congressional Black Caucus Dinner. Min. Louis Farrakhan was in attendance. He was a “free spirit” so to speak. He was no longer affiliated with the World Community of Islam in the West, what had been the Nation of Islam. Min. Farrakhan told me that he was traveling around the country, considering...

The Employee Free Choice Act

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- One of the apparent mysteries many people ponder is how it was that union membership was responsible for virtually building the American middle class after World War II and now so many people appear to blame unions for the loss of jobs, rather than the push for more profits by company bosses? The answer is...

The Return of Aristide and Haiti’s Future

By Bill Fletcher, Jr. -Guest Columnist- It happened on March 18th. After more than seven years, the democratically elected–yet ousted–president of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide returned home. Accompanied by his family as well as allies, such as actor/activist Danny Glove,r and noted journalist Amy Goodman, he returned to, in his words, make a modest contribution to Haiti. Aristide returned immediately prior to...

We want to know the Truth about the Assassination of Malcolm X

At the end of February 2013 we started a petition to open the government files surrounding the assassination of Malcolm X in response to the false accusations made in a February TV movie called “Betty and Coretta” implicating the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Thus far over 2,000 signatures have been collected and many who signed gave reasons for signing....

Ye Meets Jewish Power

By Tingba Muhammad and the NOI Research Group Black entertainer Ye (formerly Kanye West) has now joined the elite ranks of some of our most powerful and prestigious Black freedom fighters, such as Martin Luther King, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Malcolm X, Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and even our late great freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. For they–like Kanye–were...

Action, not apathy, brings victory

By Richard B. Muhammad What you do matters. It is typical today for people to say nothing can be done and to walk away from challenges. The feelings of powerlessness, apathy, or perhaps both are stronger than the desire to see a wrong made right or to press forward for a just cause. Thankfully activists, Muslims and advocates did not take that...

Lies, damn lies and media lies

By News The bloodied face of Martese Johnson, a 20-year-old student at the University of Virginia, looked like a throwback to the 1960s as he lay down on a sidewalk surrounded by White officers. But it wasn't 1960 it was 2015 and the systems of White supremacy quickly went to work. The   media spewed the account of police...

A Reverse ‘Farrakhan Litmus Test’ For Hillary?

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor Hillary Clinton is as nervous as young Blacks and those off the Democratic Party plantation ask which Hillary wants Black support and which Hillary will rule if voted into the White House? Her positions that hurt Blacks and past racial shenanigans are rising from political graves–they should. She has been forced to renounce support for...