
Home Perspectives

No justice for Tamir Rice, no faith in the system

By Final Call News With the decision not to indict officers in the killing of Tamir Rice in Cleveland Black people once again come face to face with what happens when you “respect the process” and “reserve judgment:” Nothing. Over a year after the 12-year-old was shot to death in a park after playing with a toy gun, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor...

An institution-builder leads new MSU School of Global Journalism

By Richard B. Muhammad -Editor- If DeWayne Wickham did nothing else his journalistic legacy would be complete: He is a founder of the National Association of Black Journalists, a founder of the Black columnists' Trotter Group, and a man who worked across “platforms” in TV, radio and print before the term existed. His resume includes an impressive list of places where he...

Is Africa throwing off the yoke of dependency?

-Guest Columnist- ( - A growing debate–maybe even a paradigm swing–has been initiated by Africans challenging Western-backed organizations like Human Rights Watch, the International Criminal Court, and Bob Geldolf's Live Aid campaigns. Africans are speaking for themselves and raising questions about those acting in the name of doing good on the continent. From providing aid, to settling differences, and giving...

Hajj: A sign life’s journey and sacrifice for the rise of humanity

“And everyone has a goal to which he turns (himself), so vie with one another in good works. Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together. Surely Allah is Possessor of power over all things. And from whatsoever place thou comest forth, turn thy face towards the Sacred Mosque. And surely it is the truth from thy Lord....

The Holy Qur’an: A Clear Proof of Guidance and the Criterion for New Life

“The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed, a guidance to men, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion. So whoever of you is present in the Month, he shall fast therein.”—Holy Qur’an 2:185 The Holy Qur’an states, “The month of Ramadan,” … in it are “clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion.”...

The Nation of Islam Research Group Interviews Dr. Syed Haider, Part II

Dr. Syed Haider is board certified in Internal Medicine with additional training in Functional Medicine. He has extensive experience working in hospitals, clinics, communities, and online. He has helped over 25,000 patients and has provided treatments for COVID-19, including Ivermectin—a highly effective drug the government has attempted to suppress. Dr. Haider provides professional physician services online. See Part I...

Like being a little bit pregnant

Through the years, as the proof multiplies that eating the flesh of other creatures is deadly, more and more people (depending upon their intelligence level) are beginning to decrease their intake of the poison animals. This term is not referring to a particular class of animals, as if some were poison and some were not. It...

The GOP decides to go Black

By Richard Muhammad-Guest Columnist- ( - The charge that Black conservatives are simply Republican Party pawns looks pretty undeniable with the selection of Maryland resident Alan Keyes as the GOP candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois. In a state with 12 million people and thousands of Republicans, the GOP couldn't find one credible candidate to represent the party and...

Black Love, Black Jews and the Plots of an Anti-Black Enemy

By Richard B. Muhammad, Editor One of the most effective and often used tools employed by those who desire to keep Blacks underfoot is to try to pit Blacks against one another. Instead of dealing directly with those who are thwarting their plans for Black domination, the enemy seeks to pit us against one another. We thank Allah (God) for history...

An Unhappy Anniversary

By Final Call News This year marked the 48th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and included remembrances and writings that paid tribute to the drum major for justice and civil rights movement martyr. Absent from the remembrances and the ceremonial programs was a very simple tribute to Dr. King: A demand that all involved in his...