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The King letter and sordid government surveillance

By News ( - The recent disclosure that a researcher found an unedited copy of an infamous FBI letter sent to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., may have taken some by surprise and may have left the mainstream media gasping in shock. But these responses betray a woeful ignorance that exists among the American public and the media's...

Black America’s preeminent leader performs another miracle

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor There is an old joke that goes if Jesus got out of a boat and walked on water, today's media headlines would read: “Jesus can't swim!” Deliberately deceptive and dangerous mis-characterizations of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam take the modern Jesus reference out of the realm of humor and into...

Who will defend and develop Haiti?

By Final Call News The news is horrible and heartbreaking from Haiti with the death toll of some 1,000 people and hundreds of thousands of others lacking food, clothing, shelter and clean water in the Black Republic. Word of aid to Haiti is coming out now but we cannot be satisfied with promises and platitudes. We have to be engaged and...

Learning the lessons of history and rejecting the lies of the past

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor The Jewish and right wing media have gone wild with publication of a photo of Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and then U.S. Senator Barack Obama taken over a decade ago. Not content with howling at Mr. Obama, these jackals now clamor and declare: how could the Congressional Black Caucus associate with the Minister...

A sliding scale for White supremacy

FINALCALL.COM Shortly before Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old, avowed White Nationalist and Australian citizen, was charged with murder for slaughtering worshippers in two mosques in New Zealand, the president of the United States sat in the White House and told reporters that White Nationalism was not a major problem. “I don't really, I think it's a small group of people,” Mr. Trump...

Remembering our martyrs

FINALCALL.COM This December marked the 50th anniversary of the police killing of Black Panther party leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in the city of Chicago.Panther leader Hampton, headquartered in the city, and Panther Clark, who hailed from Peoria, Ill., were shot to death Dec. 4, 1969 in a West Side apartment. Chairman Fred, who headed the Panthers in Illinois,...

Pulling the Sheets Off the AcademiKKK Onslaught: A Critical Look at the Attack on Critical Race Theory

“They are, in essence, captives of a particular ignorance, the ignorance of not knowing that they do not know what it is that they do not know, yet speak as if they know what all of us need to know.” –Dr. Molefi Asante, The Afrocentric Idea There is currently an uncivil civil war being waged across the United States...

Leo Frank and the Tricknology of ‘Black Anti-Semitism’—Part 2

Last week in part 1 (see The Final Call Vol. 42 No. 19), we explained why a convicted murderer, Leo Frank, was made a pillar of American Jewish identity and how he has been used by Jews to deceptively claim friendship with the Black man. In fact, he and his story are so central to Jewish people that the...

Love Self First

“One of the gravest handicaps among the so-called Negroes is that there is no love for self, nor love for his or her own kind. This not having love for self is the root cause of hate (dislike), disunity, disagreement, quarreling, betraying, stool pigeons and fighting and killing one another. How can you be loved, if you have not...

Divine guidance: The antidote to widespread death

A year ago the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered words of divine warning about the Covid-19 pandemic, the Donald Trump-led rush to produce experimental vaccines, and the divine hand at work in this global crisis. His warning last July 4 in “The Criterion,” a near three-hour message, was directed at the U.S. president, global political and religious leaders, the world...