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How to lose friends and make enemies

Harassment in the name of National Security Amnesty International condemns racial profiling (FCN, 09-30-2004) I thought long and hard about writing this article. In fact, it has taken me two years to make a determination, that this article should be written. It actually began in December 2004, when the harassment on my domestic and international travel began. I...

The Attack on Black Theology

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- Related story: What Rev. Jeremiah Wright Really Said (FCN, 04-20-2008) It began last year with Fox TV commentators Hannity and Combs calling the theology followed by Dr. Jeremiah Wright’s church a “cult.” But it continues with recent news articles calling Black Theology a “strange religion” and a “separatist” concept. All of these characterizations are distorted in that...

Is Africa throwing off the yoke of dependency?

-Guest Columnist- ( - A growing debate–maybe even a paradigm swing–has been initiated by Africans challenging Western-backed organizations like Human Rights Watch, the International Criminal Court, and Bob Geldolf's Live Aid campaigns. Africans are speaking for themselves and raising questions about those acting in the name of doing good on the continent. From providing aid, to settling differences, and giving...

Message to the Blacks at the Southern Poverty Law Center

By Tingba Muhammad -Guest Columnist- ( - In the last few weeks a Jewish organization calling itself the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has amplified its attacks on the Nation of Islam. According to its mission statement, the Montgomery, Alabama-based “civil rights” group claims to have been founded out of “sympath with the plight of the poor and the powerless,” but...

Does the ‘God of Jacob’ Love a Good ‘Conspiracy’?

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and Jewish journalists like to slander the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by calling him a “lunatic” for believing in what they call “conspiracy theories.”   What is a “conspiracy”?  According to one dictionary's definition, a “conspiracy” is: 1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. 2. A group of conspirators. 3. Law An agreement...

Dishonoring Dr. King

By Richard B. Muhammad Black-oriented social media, blogs, TV and radio were ablaze over "Freedom 2 Twerk" and parties promoted to mark the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. The Twerk controversy ended with a party canceled and use of an image of Dr. King–morphed into a gold chain wearing, finger waving playa–banned. His family was rightfully upset by the indignity. “This imagery thing...

The NFL, domestic abuse and Black America’s degraded condition

By News The videotaped encounter between former NFL player Ray Rice and his then-fiancée have opened floodgates of discussion about domestic violence and the respect and treatment of women. It has also shown just how far this society is off when it comes to understanding the value of women, family and civilized behavior. It has shown just how much celebrity,...

Thugs and Criminals – Poor Word Choice For Resisters

Black people in the streets of Baltimore, Md., responding to the police killing of Freddie Gray were characterized in the media and by some critics as “thugs” and “criminals,” however this depiction is a poor choice of words. Based on their actions against Black and Brown people across the country, it's police forces that better fit the...

An Unhappy Anniversary

By Final Call News This year marked the 48th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and included remembrances and writings that paid tribute to the drum major for justice and civil rights movement martyr. Absent from the remembrances and the ceremonial programs was a very simple tribute to Dr. King: A demand that all involved in his...

The attack of the Bad and Bougie, Dr. Umar and Black Nationalism

Professor Afrika Jackson had just finished a two-hour lecture in front of a packed house discussing how African American parents could prevent their sons from dropping out of high school when someone handed him a strange note warning that “they”  were out front waiting for him. Fearing that he was surrounded by the KKK or the Skinheads, Professor...