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Netflix drama and the targeting of Farrakhan

By Richard B. Muhammad -Editor- The recent decision by Netflix to cancel a documentary about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam isn't really about the movie not being seen. It is about a relentless campaign to smear, isolate and destroy a man who has devoted his life to Black people and the cause of freedom, justice...

Stifling Farrakhan’s Voice

FINALCALL.COM With the announcement that Twitter was freezing the account of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, it is apparent that the enemies of freedom, justice, equality and divine guidance are steadfast in their evil efforts to derail the truth. Their opposition should not be surprising and since February 2018, there has been a constant and concerted effort to target and still...

The unraveling of soulless America

FINALCALL.COM Despite calls from Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden to take the country back and restore its soul, the soul of America died long ago. If she ever had one. Thousands of people in the streets don't signal an awakening in America, it is another sign of the failures of this nation. The only thing that seems to move the powerful and...

A Special Moment, A Special Song: ‘A White Man’s Heaven Is A Black Man’s Hell’

by Alverda Ann Muhammad, Guest Columnist In The Name of Allah. The Beneficent. The Merciful.  And the trumpet is blown, when lo! From their graves they will hasten on to their Lord. They will say: O woe to us! Who has raised us up from our sleeping-place? This is what the Beneficent promised and the messengers told the truth.  —Holy Qur’an,...

The ‘boyz’ in the hoodies: How we failed a whole hip-hop generation

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy on the outside cannot harm us.” —African Proverb One of most iconic scenes in Black film history is the part in “Boyz N the Hood” when “Furious Styles” is on the block schoolin’ the neighborhood homies about gentrification and how their actions were playing a role in the destruction of the Black...

Words from Mr. Biden?

After being viciously verbally pummeled by Donald Trump, the Democratic Party’s champion, Joe Biden, responded to the president’s declaration that the former vice president was soft on crime and the country, especially safe, White suburbs would be overrun by out of control Black hordes of looters and criminals, if Mr. Biden was elected. Speaking Aug. 31 from Pittsburgh, Mr. Biden...

Biden’s Backstabbing, Haiti, Blacks, and False Promises

“The government only wants to pacify her once slaves with fancy false promises that she knows she cannot fulfill without the loss of friendship and bloodshed among her own people. But there is nothing like a good future in these rosy promises for the so-called Negroes.” —The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, “Message To the Black Man,” 1965 When thousands of Haitian immigrants...