
Home Perspectives Page 62

Nuclear hypocrisy in Iran’s treatment

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- U.K. helped Israel get nuclear bomb (The Hindu, 03-11-2006) Brothers in arms - Israel's secret pact with Apartheid South Africa (UK Guardian, 02-07-2006)Israel and South Africa: Apartheid's Accidental Prophecy (Global, 06-22-2005) As I look at the frantic gyrations in the attempt by the U.S. and Israel to keep Iran from obtaining the ability to process nuclear fuel, I...

Paradise is a Garden

What is “paradise” and what is a “garden”? According to Webster’s Dictionary, “paradise” is “The Garden of Eden.” Therefore, when we say “paradise is a garden,” we are 100 percent correct according to the meaning of the words. “Garden,” according to Webster, is a “plot of aground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated.” “Cultivate” means “to prepare...

I Understand Michelle Obama’s Comment

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- Michelle Obama has all of a sudden become the center of attention in the election because she is perceived by GOP candidate John McCain’s people to have made Barack Obama, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, vulnerable to an attack on his loyalty to the country. And as silly as it is, why would someone running for...

Four lessons on Afghanistan

( - President Obama, on Afghanistan, take your lesson from history. The axiom: “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.” Both the world and the American people are now asking, what is the U.S. strategic interest in Afghanistan and is it vital to America's security? Is a military victory possible? What do the...

The Battered Wife Syndrome or Top Ten Excuses not to Separate

“4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendents from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own–either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe...

Who is the Real Anti-Semite?

By Wesley Muhammad, PhD. -Guest Columnist- Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center and Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League would have us believe that Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are anti-Semites, by which they mean “haters of the Jewish people.” Yet, they have never produced evidence supporting such a charge: no case of discrimination against Jewish persons...

Sports, statements and racial reality

By Final Call Editor-In-ChiefRichard B. Muhammad The Black Twitterverse exploded and off-line discussions erupted when quotes from an interview with basketball great Kobe Bryant in The New Yorker magazine came out. The NBA All-Star was involved in an exchange with writer Ben McGrath that included Kobe's wonder at his success and his path from Italy, where his father played professional...

Disunity, money, midterm madness and the continued decline of a nation

By News Midterm elections are over and the president whose party lost seats and control of the Congress has had his obligatory post-election meeting with GOP leaders. The mainstream pundits, commentators and columnists insist voters sent a signal: Government needs to work and people are tired of gridlock. If that was the signal voters aren't likely to see much evidence...

The Black Press and Black Self-Determination

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor Black newspapers from across the country had an incredible opportunity recently to enjoy an exclusive interaction with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. Unlike so many others who crave the attention of the White-owned, corporate-dominated mainstream media, the Minister spoke forthrightly with owners and writers at some of the 200 Black-owned...

Independence Day for the Black Man and Woman

By Final Call News The Independence Day celebrations are over. The barbeques are done. The flags are put away. America has marked another year of her sovereignty and her break with Great Britain to chart her own course. When she broke away 240 years ago, she was an upstart and a rebel against one of the greatest powers in the...