
Home Perspectives Page 61

The Great Lie Against Farrakhan

The vitriolic slander against the person and ministry of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan continues to spew forth from a host of Jewish periodicals. These periodicals are currently carrying out a campaign of slander that aims to further the “no platform” policy against the Minister’s message. These publications and their false allegations against our beloved Minister have repeated certain lies...

Like being a little bit pregnant

Through the years, as the proof multiplies that eating the flesh of other creatures is deadly, more and more people (depending upon their intelligence level) are beginning to decrease their intake of the poison animals. This term is not referring to a particular class of animals, as if some were poison and some were not. It...

Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day Gift

Webcast of State of the Black Union (C-Span, 02-26-2005 -Real Media) ( - February 26, 2005 is the day that the Nation of Islam annually celebrates Saviours' Day. This celebration commemorates the Birth of Master Fard Muhammad, Who was born on February 26, 1877 in Saudi Arabia. He came to North America to give the descendants of slaves...

Everyday obstacles must be removed in AIDS war

By George Curry-Guest Columnist- Black groups band together to fight AIDS (FCN, 08-29-2006) For the moment, set aside the talk about microbicides, pre-exposure prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, combination therapy and HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment). Throw out all of the acronyms associated with the deadly alphabets of HIV and AIDS. Once one moves pass all medical jargon, the realization sets in that,...

The Ghetto Economics of X-Mass

Santa Claus Comes to tha 'hood Back in the day, every Christmas my pops used to blast James Brown's song “Santa Claus Come Straight to the Ghetto” from the speakers of our 8 track stereo. The kids in the neighborhood would groove to that jam, all having fond thoughts of the jolly ol' White dude coming to the ‘hood...

America Needs Barack Obama Now

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- Previous perspectives by Dr. Ron Walters This is not an endorsement, it is an analysis. At the end of the three presidential debates featuring Sen, Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain, the judgment of the American people was that Sen. Obama had won all three. Thinking about it, I must admit that I missed the...

Reparations, the Tea Party and America’s Founding Fathers

( - “Trouble Brewing” was the title of an October 30 article by Edward Luce published in the Financial Times newspaper. Essentially the article was about how some Americans fear that the United States is in mortal danger, and places the blame squarely on the doorstep of President Barack Obama, the nation's first Black president. In the first...

Does the ‘God of Jacob’ Love a Good ‘Conspiracy’?

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and Jewish journalists like to slander the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by calling him a “lunatic” for believing in what they call “conspiracy theories.”   What is a “conspiracy”?  According to one dictionary's definition, a “conspiracy” is: 1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. 2. A group of conspirators. 3. Law An agreement...

Dishonoring Dr. King

By Richard B. Muhammad Black-oriented social media, blogs, TV and radio were ablaze over "Freedom 2 Twerk" and parties promoted to mark the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. The Twerk controversy ended with a party canceled and use of an image of Dr. King–morphed into a gold chain wearing, finger waving playa–banned. His family was rightfully upset by the indignity. “This imagery thing...

The NFL, domestic abuse and Black America’s degraded condition

By News The videotaped encounter between former NFL player Ray Rice and his then-fiancée have opened floodgates of discussion about domestic violence and the respect and treatment of women. It has also shown just how far this society is off when it comes to understanding the value of women, family and civilized behavior. It has shown just how much celebrity,...