
Home Perspectives Page 60

What about justice in America?

When President Biden met with Russian Vladimir Putin the subject of “misdeeds” by the former KBG agent were blasted in the American media. When Mr. Putin responded by questioning American respect for human rights and illegal actions on the world stage, the mainstream media started to howl. “Russian President Vladimir Putin displayed his ‘classic’ whataboutism play at the news conference...

National Geographic Proves Teaching on Mr. Yakub

The prestigious National Geographic Society has reported that scientists studying DNA have now confirmed that “Europeans as a people are younger than we thought.” Using the unbiased measure of genetic science they point to the same birth date for the European as did The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Prof. Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA...

FCN Editorial Will Bush put a squeeze on weapons inspectors? - Now that UN weapons inspectors have arrived in Iraq, will they be strong enough to withstand U.S. intimidation and name-calling and go about their business fairly and objectively? We hope so, but it will take strong resolve from the weapons inspectors leader, Hans Blix. Even though each of the 15 UN Security Council members voted in support...

‘Eco-terrorism’ against Blacks goes unnoticed

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- ( - When one Black man, James Byrd, was crushed to death by White racists in Texas, it caused an uproar; when Amadou Diallo was killed in a hail of gun bullets in New York, it was a national expose; in 1992, when Rodney King was beaten senseless by the LAPD, it caused a massive...

Bush gives Israel more time to kill the innocent

Pro-Israel lobby dictates U.S. policy, study charges (FCN, 04-05-2006) The tragedy unfolding in Lebanon in the Middle East is a reminder of the Katrina disaster in America. The Bush White House suffered from brain paralysis, while thousands of mainly Black and poor people of New Orleans suffered and died. Why would the American administration stand by and watch...

Making ‘useful land’ useless

( - According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics, in 2004, 85-95 percent of farm household income has come from off-farm sources (including employment earnings, other business activities, and unearned income). For the 82 percent of U.S. farming operations that have annual sales of $100,000 or less, off-farm income typically accounts for all but a negligible amount...

Obama and the funding of Black community turnout

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- While all of us are understandably proud of the showing that Barack Obama is making this presidential election, I continue to also point out the cost. Symbolic of this is that while the National Baptist Convention was meeting in Cincinnati recently, Barack was in Akron giving a major education speech just 52 miles up the...

Media misreporting and Libya’s support for Africa

( - To show the absurdity of recent events concerning Libya, consider Senator John McCain's 2009 visit to Libya to meet with Col. Muammar Gadhafi under his Bedouin tent. The Arizona Republican praised Gadhafi for his “wisdom and strategic vision to talk issues of concern to the world and … to sustain peace and stability in Africa.” Western corporate...

B’nai B’rith’s ADL: 100 Years of Deception: Leo Frank, Abe Foxman, & Minister Farrakhan

By Tingba Muhammad, NOI Research Group ( - This year the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) celebrates 100 years of open hatred and bigotry against the freedom aims of Black people. It is an organization whose foundation and history are as racist and malevolent as any secret society, and it has proved itself to be dedicated to maintaining white...

New possibility for a New Year?

By News It's the time of year where resolutions and declarations are made and the promise of change comes to the forefront of minds and lips. Many shun New Year's resolutions and reject attaching much importance to linking change to change in the Gregorian calendar. But taking a look at oneself and one's life and deciding what things need to...