When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan announced to the world that he was taken on board the Great Mother Plane (The Wheel) and received direct communication from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on September 17, 1985, it was surprising and shocking to many people.

However, 39 years later, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s National Representative continues to be confirmed by Allah (God) as the significance of his experience and what was revealed to him continues to unfold.

Minister Farrakhan had an extraordinary experience that had and is impacting the world today.

Following his experience, Minister Farrakhan delivered a detailed press conference at the JW Marriott hotel in Washington, D.C., on October 24, 1989, titled, “The Announcement: A Final Warning to the U.S.-Government,” where he exposed the plans of the U.S. government based on the guidance he received from the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad during his experience.


Minister Farrakhan stated that in a tiny town in Mexico, called Tepotzlan, he was carried up on a mountain on the top of which are the ruins of a temple dedicated to Quetzacoatl, the Christ-figure of Central and South America.

The Minister had climbed that mountain several times, however, he explained that on the night of September l7, 1985, he was carried up on that mountain, in a vision.  

In his D.C. message, Minister Farrakhan stated in part that: “…at the center of the ceiling was a speaker and through this speaker I heard the voice of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad speaking to me as clearly as you are hearing my voice this morning.”

“He spoke in short cryptic sentences and as he spoke a scroll full of cursive writing rolled down in front of my eyes, but it was a projection of what was being written in my mind. As I attempted to read the cursive writing, which was in English, the scroll disappeared and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to speak to me.

“He said, ‘President Reagan has met with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to plan a war. I want you to hold a press conference in Washington, D. C., and announce their plan and say to the world that ‘you got the information from me, Elijah Muhammad, on the Wheel.’

“He said to me that he would not permit me to see him at that time. However, he said that I had one more thing to do and when that one more thing was done that I could come again to the Wheel and I would be permitted to see him face to face.

“He then dismissed me. I entered the small wheel and the pilot whom I still could not see, moved the craft out of the tunnel and took it up to a terrific height and maneuvered his craft that I might look down upon the Mother Wheel. I saw a city in the sky.

“With great speed it brought me back to earth and dropped me off near Washington where I then proceeded into this city to make The Announcement.

“After I awakened from the vision, it seemed to vanish from my mind. However, on the morning of September 19, 1985, a great earthquake struck Mexico City and it was felt in the little town where I was staying.

That earthquake brought the vision forcibly to my mind and I spoke it, later that morning for the first time to my wife, Khadijah Farrakhan, and Sister Tynnetta Muhammad, in the city of Cuernavaca.”

The Wheel and Revelation

The Wheel has everything to do with Black people, according to the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who started teaching its reality in the 1930s before they were ever on the government’s radar. He identified a “Mother Plane” or “Mother Wheel” that carried within her 1,500 smaller wheels, or “baby planes.”

“The Mother Plane and her work is a display of the power of the mightiest God, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever. Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, is the Wisest and Best Knower; He is the mightiest of Them All,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in his book, “The Fall of America,” on page 241.

In his book, “Message to the Blackman in America,” on page 291, he wrote “The present wheel-shaped plane known as the Mother of Planes, is one-half mile by a half-mile and is the largest mechanical man-made object in the sky. It is a small human built planet made for the purpose of destroying the present world of the enemies of Allah.”    

“The small circular-made planes called flying saucers, which are so much talked of being seen, could be from this Mother Plane. This is only one of the things in store for the White man’s evil world. Believe it or not! This is to warn you and me to fly to our own God and people,” he boldly proclaimed to America and the world.

The Pentagon released three UFO videos taken by US
Navy pilots. Photo: MGN Online

“It is reminiscent of what is described in the (Holy) Qur’an in Surah 53 (verse 2), Al-Najm, wherein we find where God’s servant has some type of meeting with Him in some lofty place, and Allah reminds us that, ‘Your companion errs not, nor does he deviate … Nor does he speak out of desire,’” said Student Minister Ilia Rashad Muhammad, an author and member of the Nation of Islam Research Group.

He is also the producer of the documentary, “Answered,” about the reality of The Wheel and its baby planes, previously called unidentified flying objects (UFOs), now called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) by the U.S. government.

“What was revealed to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on September 17, 1985, was something that serves as revelatory guidance that will take us safely across on the other side of this darkening hour that we’re approaching,” Student Min. Ilia Rashad told The Final Call. 

Pyramid built on peak of the Sierra de Tepoztlan, Mexico.

“We thank Allah for what He gave His servant, because what He gave His servant is for your and my benefit. May Allah bless us to take advantage of the wisdom and guidance that Allah gave His servant for us,” he said.

Minister Jabril Muhammad (may Allah be pleased) was a longtime companion and helper to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan. He wrote that the Minister had begun to communicate with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his journey much like Ezekiel, in the Bible, was being taken up on a Wheel within a Wheel.

“As I began to piece this experience together, in later days, I recalled the scriptures from both Bible and Holy Qur’an that mentioned Moses’ mystical experience in the mountain, where he left the children of Israel below and at that particular time, there were only a few elders or companions who were able to be present at the foot of the mountain,” wrote Min. Jabril, in his column Farrakhan the Traveler, published Aug. 21, 2009 in The Final Call.

Screenshot from a YouTube video.

“In the experience, the tablets were revealed and Moses was not able to see the face of his Lord, but was only able to see, according to the Bible, his hinder parts, his back parts, as he went by him. And again, in each instance of his highly mystical contact with God, there was a great earthquake. …,” wrote Min. Jabril in part.

As previously reported in The Final Call in 2023, in the article, “Bipartisan hearing receives sworn whistle-blower testimony UAPs are a threat to national security, but why?” former military pilots and a Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employee.

All turned whistle-blowers, testified before a congressional subcommittee to request government transparency regarding firsthand accounts of physical encounters with UAPs (unidentified aerial/anomalous phenomena) or UFOs, citing safety and national security concerns over American airspace, U.S. military installations, and classified naval training areas at sea.

“Pointing to claims from former U.S. presidents, Gerald R. Ford, and Jimmy Carter, who both said they saw UFOs in the 1960s, and the increase of sightings today, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wisc.), chair of the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs, stated that the federal government has taken the subject seriously, leading them to devote resources for their study and investigation,” the article noted.

Screenshot from a YouTube video.

The United States government arrested the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the 40s and also took his drawings of The Mother Plane from the Temple in Detroit and questioned him about it.

Brother Arvence Muhammad has also documented the reality of the baby planes. He started a YouTube channel on his and others’ video footage and documentation of the baby planes.   

The U.S. government can no longer lie about these baby planes and their existence, telling people as in the past that they saw a balloon or it was swamp gas because modern-day technology has transformed people’s cell phones into professional cameras, explained Bro. Arvence Muhammad.

“You don’t need CNN to tell you news. You’re the news, now. You see something, you take a picture, you take a video, no one could say it’s fake, because pictures and videos are real,” he said.

Brother Abdul Qiyam Muhammad is the social media manager for Minister Farrakhan. The Minister’s vision is confirmation of who the Minister is and the Two that back him.

Screenshot from a 60 Minutes special on UFOs from May 2021.

“It’s confirmation that he indeed went to The Wheel, based upon how he has been guided the last 39 years and our Nation, from what he received on The Wheel, which has been mathematically precise from day one, the last 39 years. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave the Minister a promise on The Wheel,” Brother Abdul Qiyam told The Final Call.

“For all those that have mocked, scorned, laughed at, tried to undermine and claim that that experience on the Wheel, September 17, 1985, didn’t happen, they now, as the scripture says, have to shut their mouths at him. All those that have mocked the reality of The Wheel, they now have to shut their mouths at him.”

To view the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s press conference in its entirety, visit: media.noi.org. For more information on the reality of the Mother Plane and the baby planes, visit media.noi.org and watch Minister Farrakhan’s lecture series: “The Time and What Must be Done” parts 51 – 58.