“There’s a verse in the Qur’an, it’s in the 16th Surah, the 92nd verse and it says, ‘Be not like her who unravels her yarn, disintegrating it into pieces, after she has spun it strongly.’ 

Her here is not talking about a woman, as such, but if you see somebody knitting something, with a design, and they leave it not secured one stitch; and then the same woman who stitched it strongly starts pulling on the yarn that she has knitted until it comes to pieces.

“That’s what’s happening to America as we speak. America was not built on a firm foundation. Although the weaving was done strongly, the nation called America was doomed from its inception. How do you build a nation killing the native people? 

How do you build a nation, bringing a whole people out of Africa to America to be made slaves? This is your foundation, so for them to lie to you, and make you think that America is a land of promise for you, and you believe it; no wonder Jesus said, You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke these words four years ago on February 23, 2020, at the TCF Center in Detroit to close the Nation of Islam’s Saviours’ Day national convention.

America was on the eve of an important election as he spoke these prescient words, and we are facing another even more volatile national election in November 2024.

With a New York jury’s decision that former President Donald Trump was guilty on 34 separate charges related to election fraud, the anger and enmity of those loyal to the MAGA Republican nearly exploded.

“Right-wing anger over the guilty verdict has unspooled an appetite for political combat—a metaphorical one that researchers of political violence fear could turn literal,” observed CBC news, which is based in Canada and shows how the boiling pot of U.S. politics is being watched around the globe.

Trumpsters were calling for riots, lynchings, and eliminating traitors inside of America over different social media platforms and right-wing media outlets.

Polls are showing a tight Biden-Trump race for the White House with millions wanting neither candidate. Many Black voters and disappointed young people are threatening to sit out the election altogether. Neither Trump nor his potential vice-presidential running mates have committed to accept this year’s election outcomes if they lose. Where does that leave the country?

These white-hot issues speak to dissatisfaction, disdain and division perhaps not seen in U.S. history. One controversial GOP leader has called for a national divorce. As Anisah Muhammad, an award-winning Final Call writer, noted:

“A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports revealed that 41 percent of voters they polled believe that the country is likely to experience a second civil war within the next five years. …
Nearly 25 percent of Americans said they would support their state seceding, according to a February poll by YouGov.”

“The poll found that Alaska, Texas and California are among the top states whose residents are most likely to support secession,” she reported.

What will happen with this continued American march toward anarchy?

“The American people need to wake up. This is a war,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) told a right-wing news outlet after the Trump conviction. “This is a war on our constitutional rights, on our constitutional republic. … I don’t call us Republicans or Democrats anymore, you’re either for our great country, the way it’s been for the last 248 years, or you’re anti,” he added.

“This was a rigged, disgraceful trial,” Mr. Trump, the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, said May 30 as he departed a Manhattan courthouse. “The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people. They know what happened, and everyone knows what happened here,” the angry and presumptive Republican Party nominee told the media.

He is to be sentenced July 11 for his crimes with analysts petrified at the thought of imprisonment or even home confinement. The sentence is scheduled as Mr. Trump and the GOP hold their convention and embrace him as their leader and official choice for the 2024 presidential election.

There are fears of what a Trump loss could bring and what a Trump win could unleash.

According to analysis of Mr. Trump’s Truth Social platform by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, “Since the start of last year, Trump has issued direct or implied threats on Truth Social to use the powers of the federal government to target Joe Biden during a second Trump administration 25 times.

Specifically, Trump has threatened him with FBI raids, investigations, indictments and even jail time. But Biden is not Trump’s only target. He’s also threatened or suggested that the FBI and the Department of Justice should take action against senators, judges, members of Biden’s family and even non-governmental organizations,” the group said. It analyzed over 13,000 of Trump Truth Social posts.

These threats and divisions come as faith in democracy is wavering: “Three-quarters of the public say a democratically elected government is important to the country’s identity, but only 21 percent think democracy is the greatest system of government and 53 percent say democracy in the U.S. is working poorly,” pollsters with The Associated Press and NORC, a non-partisan research institution at the University of Chicago, found in April.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan have warned that the United States is a preserved area and would not be taken by an outside force.

The truth of their divine warnings is being made manifest before our eyes. It’s been nearly 100 years of prophetic warnings from the Nation of Islam that America is falling and a great nation is unraveling.

If America cannot assure her own survival or guarantee peace after fall elections, will we put our faith in her? Millions of those who have benefitted most from America have no faith. They say she is doomed and are preparing for a new reality.

We have had Supreme Wisdom, divine guidance and good advisors, will we reject the clear evidence to cling to childlike belief in our former slavemasters? It’s time to fly to Allah (God), the Guide and Guidance. The handwriting is on the wall and on your electronic devices—let us accept the truth and live.

—Naba’a Muhammad, editor,