
Home Perspectives Page 63

A fool and his money; not together long!

Of course, we all are aware that we are approaching that time that occurs every year called “Christmas.” And, most of us assume that the holiday, or “Holy Day,” began with the Birth of Jesus, since this is what we are generally taught. But look into THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, and you will find the statement, “Christmas was...

The character assassination of Yasser Arafat by western media

( -  The outpouring of people in Ramallah, the West Bank, at the funeral of Yasser Arafat was a sign to the world of the love that his people had for the man that embodied their struggle. What most of the world does not realize, and the press is not saying, is that there would have been 10...

The GOP decides to go Black

By Richard Muhammad-Guest Columnist- ( - The charge that Black conservatives are simply Republican Party pawns looks pretty undeniable with the selection of Maryland resident Alan Keyes as the GOP candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois. In a state with 12 million people and thousands of Republicans, the GOP couldn't find one credible candidate to represent the party and...


Someone very close to me was complaining recently about a speculated harm that resulted from eating beans. As I listened around, I found a few other people saying similar things. Of course, everything they were using as "reasoning" was 100 percent false! The attempt was to discredit the healthy legumes, and use their natural need for...

The scourge of cultural imperialism

( - In today's world, we are looking at a new form of cultural imperialism. Many on the African continent have been familiar with this terminology for years, because we've watched our culture usurped and buried under an avalanche of cultural imperialism mainly coming from the West. When the European imperial powers broke out of Europe and went...

‘The Easter Mystery–Colored Eggs And Christ?’

( - As I pondered, as I often do, over what would be of interest to our readers at this particular time, I was going through my mail and up popped a magazine which I take, with the answer. The magazine is THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET, and above the name were listed three featured articles, one of...

Why Haiti? Why now?

By J. Damu-Guest Columnist- ( - All people who love and honor democracy and social justice have to be outraged at the seemingly cloaked-in-darkness gunpoint kidnapping of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide by U.S. militarists on February 29. We must speak as one to denounce the foreign policy of the Bush administration, which is beginning to resemble, more and more, that...

Dorothy Height talks about her 70 years of service

ASKIAM Dr. Dorothy I. Height is a leg-end in her own time. On the eve of her 92nd birthday in late March, she is still active socially and professionally. She is President Emeritus of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) and the author of a new book: "Open Wide The Freedom Gates: A Memoir." Her mentor, Mary McLeod Bethune, introduced...

‘Pay to play’ politics hurt Black empowerment

By Richard Muhammad The Color of Money ProjectBlack politics 2003: Growing numbers, declining influence? (FCN, 10/10/2003) ( - America's most famous zip code may be 90210, but even ritzy Beverly Hills can't match 10021 when it comes to political clout. Zip code 10021 covers the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where overwhelming rich, powerful White donors gave $28.4 million in individual contributions...

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

Analyzing Muammar Gadhafi's move ( - The leader of the Libyan Revolution, Muammar Gadhafi made a move to dismantle, abandon and stop all research on developing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction. If America and her follower, the United Kingdom (England), had planned to attack Libya because she had weapons of mass destruction, then this...