Analyzing Muammar Gadhafi’s move

( – The leader of the Libyan Revolution, Muammar Gadhafi made a move to dismantle, abandon and stop all research on developing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction. If America and her follower, the United Kingdom (England), had planned to attack Libya because she had weapons of mass destruction, then this announcement to the world will now make America and the UK reassess how to deal with Libya.

There are many stories circulating about this move. Some of the Western press are saying, in so many words, that America gave Muammar Gadhafi an offer he couldn’t refuse. Others are saying that after Saddam Hussein was shown across the world after his capture, Gadhafi wanted to avoid that fate for himself. These statements overlook the fact that the announcement was the culmination of secret talks over a nine-month period between England, America and Libya.


The December 1, 2003 U.S. cover of Time magazine carried a headline in the article on President Bush, “Love Him! Hate Him!” When you open the magazine to the article, it reads (“The Love Him, Hate Him President.”) Let’s take the same headline for Muammar Gadhafi.

Neither the Libyan people nor Muammar Gadhafi considers him to be president of their country, but the leader of the Libyan Revolution. The focus of the love/hate relationship in America is that half of America loves Bush and half of America hates Bush. With Muammar Gadhafi, he is loved by the people of his country, most of the nations in Africa and the Third World, and hated by America, Israel and some European nations. The love and respect for Muammar Gadhafi in Africa and the Third World is because he has been consistent in championing the causes of the oppressed.

The fact that he challenges leaders to think about a system of government that speaks to the needs of the oppressed people, not the wants of their former masters; the fact that he uses his resources to push through an African Union on the road to a United States of Africa is all the more reason the West hates him. It is beyond just Libya being in a race to produce weapons of mass destruction. The fact is that his 1969 revolution overthrew a king (Idris), who had sold the wealth of this oil-rich land to England and America while the masses suffered.

A major component of this revolution was to make available the best education to the Libyan masses at home and abroad. Muammar Gadhafi was only 27 years old when he came to power in 1969. As a young leader and teacher of his people, he injected a revolutionary spirit into the young people of his nation. His students went to the best schools in the east and west. They came home with master’s degrees and language skills from all over the world.

As these young Libyan males and females began to build a new Libya, they also looked at the world around them. They made no apologies for their support of the struggling masses worldwide. In one of Gadhafi’s speeches recently, talking about this long road, he said, “We have made some mistakes.” We should respect a leader who will admit to mistakes and keep moving forward, learning from those missteps. This could be a good lesson for President George Bush with his reckless foreign policy.

I was in Africa when the December 19 announcement was made and BBC radio commentaries dogged Gadhafi to its African listeners, knowing full well how he is loved across Africa. “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”

When we read or hear America and Europe say that now Libya can rejoin the international community, what Bush and Blair are saying is that Libya can join the White world and be accepted by those of us in power. Libya has always been a part of the international community. Are they (the West) saying, “You are a non-entity unless we recognize you?”

Now, the world can ask Israel to do the same as Libya. Will America demand international inspections for Israel’s nuclear weapons program?