
Home Perspectives Editorials Page 26

Words from Mr. Biden?

After being viciously verbally pummeled by Donald Trump, the Democratic Party’s champion, Joe Biden, responded to the president’s declaration that the former vice president was soft on crime and the country, especially safe, White suburbs would be overrun by out of control Black hordes of looters and criminals, if Mr. Biden was elected. Speaking Aug. 31 from Pittsburgh, Mr. Biden...

Red, White and Racially Skewed

FINALCALL.COM America celebrated another birthday July 4 and while her president and others were touting the blessings and benefits of the “greatest country in world history,” the glaring contradictions in society cannot be ignored. Despite all the fine words and feel good speeches, America has yet to atone for her past sins, let alone put an end to current oppression. But the...

A voice for Black America passes

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor The passing of George E. Curry, a great defender and supporter of the Black Press and an important editor and journalist, was sudden and difficult for me to hear. I had known Mr. Curry, as I usually called him, for some years. I took a trip with him to Algeria and Western Sahara in North...

The NFL, domestic abuse and Black America’s degraded condition

By FinalCall.com News The videotaped encounter between former NFL player Ray Rice and his then-fiancée have opened floodgates of discussion about domestic violence and the respect and treatment of women. It has also shown just how far this society is off when it comes to understanding the value of women, family and civilized behavior. It has shown just how much celebrity,...

The unraveling of soulless America

FINALCALL.COM Despite calls from Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden to take the country back and restore its soul, the soul of America died long ago. If she ever had one. Thousands of people in the streets don't signal an awakening in America, it is another sign of the failures of this nation. The only thing that seems to move the powerful and...

We hold this truth to be self-evident … Justice Or Else!

By FinalCall.com News In 1776, one of the most important documents in world history was presented and has been used as a model for people seeking to exercise the right of self-determination. The writers of the document, blinded by hypocrisy, White supremacy and racism, didn't see the conflict between their Declaration of Independence and their barbaric and sadistic mistreatment of a...

Words Of Peace Amid The Winds Of War?

By Final Call News President Trump delivered important words to the world and Saudi Arabia when he said that the United States was not in the oil-rich nation to tell others how to live. America has certainly forfeited any right to try to pass judgement on others given her human rights violations at home among her slaves, the children of her...

A sign of troubling times?

By FinalCall.com News Just a couple weeks into the New Year comes an incident that raises concerns, questions and fears about what Black folks can expect in 2014 and the climate in the country. Not surprisingly it involves a Black male driver and an encounter with law enforcement. The circumstances reported by the man's family and the images posted on his...

It’s still genocide

We have come through the time called Thanksgiving and annual images of turkeys, pumpkins, fall leaves, families and scenes from dinner tables as Americans gather for a special day and a precious moment. Over the years, the traditional images and stories around Thanksgiving have changed and given way to celebrations like “Friendsgiving,” a gathering of those who constitute a broader...

Editorial: What is a Black life worth?

By FinalCall.com News Black suffering in America is not new, but this year seemed to bring an abundance of pain, death and disrespect. Sadly loss of life occurred at the hands of those outside of the Black community and in our assaults on one another. Dying at the hands of our open enemy and the children of those who brought...