
Home Perspectives Editorials Page 3

A step toward justice, but much more is required

Exoneration sounds like a mighty fine word. It rings in the ear as if all wrongs have been righted. But we should not be fooled by the so-called “exoneration” of two men jailed, maligned, hated for a murder they did not commit. Cyrus Vance, Jr., and others inside of the same system that perpetuated this fraud and destruction of Black...

Strength, peace, joy and love in sacred spaces

EDITORIAL “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.” Psalm 133, Verses 1 and 2, King James Version Something had been missing. And that something returned with the...

Rejection of the Covid-19 vaccine growing inside of America

“This has never been a country of the people, by the people or for the people. This is a country that never was made with a woman in mind. Therefore, they had to suffer years before they could even earn the right to vote. This country was not made for the slave because they only fashioned us as three-fifths...

Back to work? Millions are saying no. They want more for their lives.

“You want this to end but you don’t know how. You want it to end … so you can go back to what was. But I’m here to tell you … you’ll never see what was again; that is over.” –The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Criterion, July 4, 2020 The great American Myth and the great American Dream: Work hard,...

The March, the Message and the Messenger

This year marks the 26th anniversary of the historic Million Man March, which drew nearly two million Black men to the Nation’s Capital for a day devoted to Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility. It was unlike any other day in the history of this country and said something about the time in which we live and the times coming ahead. Predictably,...

Biden’s Backstabbing, Haiti, Blacks, and False Promises

“The government only wants to pacify her once slaves with fancy false promises that she knows she cannot fulfill without the loss of friendship and bloodshed among her own people. But there is nothing like a good future in these rosy promises for the so-called Negroes.” —The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, “Message To the Black Man,” 1965 When thousands of Haitian immigrants...

EDITORIAL: Reaping the bitter fruit of rejection

“And on the day when the wrongdoer will bite his hands, saying, would that I had taken a way with the Messenger!” Holy Qur’an 25:27 The loss of life in Afghanistan is horrifying, whether the images of bodies falling from U.S. planes, or those who died in what American officials described as a suicide bombing. It reportedly killed 13 U.S....

Still at war against Black people: New report documents an old evil

In the “Struggle For Power: The Ongoing Persecution of Black Movement by The U.S. Government,” a new report, the Movement For Black Lives and the Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Clinic expose how the oppression of Black people by the government remains a constant threat to our progress and any attempt to obtain freedom, justice and equality—or even...

Divine warnings and lessons from Afghanistan

The scenes from the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan were harrowing. The world was witnessing what a CNN reporter called the “unraveling of this 20 year presence” by America after decades of war and with hatred growing for the United States. The president had said withdrawal of U.S. troops from Kabul would not mirror the fall of Saigon 46 years ago...

President Biden is betting bipartisanship can save America; that’s a losing bet for Black folk

President Biden’s town hall meeting was different from his predecessor, Donald Trump, in tone, language, vision. The Delaware Democrat admitted the United States is facing major problems and shouting “Make America Great Again” and wrapping oneself in the flag isn’t going to ensure this country’s survival. “When I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in …...