
Home Perspectives Editorials Page 2

When war and White lives matter

Sadly it wasn’t a new song when President Joe Biden promised another billion dollars to shore up the lives, the democracy and the security of the people of Ukraine. The limitless spending again comes with more Americans suffering, but U.S. aid announced April 21 will pay for “weapons and economic assistance” for Ukraine in its war with Russia. “The new package...

The State of Black America 2022 and Signs of the Time

The National Urban League’s recent finding that the current State of Black America is grim is unsurprising. And in 2022, since ratification of America’s Constitution in 1788, the League’s Equality Index finds that Blacks are about three-fifths along the way to experiencing equal status with White Americans. The Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality...

The Darkness of Night Precedes The Day

The Holy Month of Ramadan is the 9th month of the Muslim lunar calendar, which consists of 12 months. “Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months by Allah’s ordinance, since the day when He created the heavens and the earth.” (Holy Qur’an, 9:36). According to the lunar calendar months, the number of days in the month are...

Integrity and an image that impacted world history

When looking at a man’s life, sometimes it is the testimony and the words of those who loved him that speaks best to who he was. But, in other instances, it is not the words of those who loved and understood him but those who perhaps didn’t understand him, didn’t agree with him but who were forced to respect him. For...

Happy Saviours’ Day 2022! We Stand With Allah (God)!

“And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways … ” Holy Qur’an, Chapter 22, Verse 27, Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation For the global Islamic community, there is the beauty of the pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca...

Lies don’t honor Dr. King

“I’m afraid that the administration of our nation is more concerned about winning an unwinnable war in Vietnam than about winning the war against poverty right here at home.” –Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking May 17, 1967, at U.C. Berkeley We shall overcome. Not skin color, but the content of our character with little Black boys and little White girls...

A Mind to Work, A Will to Build, An Example to Follow

With the beginning of a new year, there is great hope and expectation. It’s natural as we look back over the past year, a trying year, to try to see our way forward and what we can, what we should, change on the personal, business or organizational level. There is a scripture, Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people...

Old enemies posing as false friends: Have you had enough?

“The White race has never shown true friendship to us. When they are planning to do evil against us, they offer us a false show of friendship.” —“Friendship of Allah (God),” the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Our Saviour Has Arrived. What’s worse than an old enemy posing as a false friend? One duped into believing, or willingly engaged in self-delusion to...

Kanye, Drake And Signs of Brotherhood

There has not been a lot of joy in the world of hip hop lately. Manipulated by powerful forces in the music and cultural industry, hip hop’s lyrics, language and spirit have been contentious, hypersexualized, violent and filled with disunity. The billion dollar, global art form is far from its origins today. Tragically, hip hop battles have not simply been...

It’s still genocide

We have come through the time called Thanksgiving and annual images of turkeys, pumpkins, fall leaves, families and scenes from dinner tables as Americans gather for a special day and a precious moment. Over the years, the traditional images and stories around Thanksgiving have changed and given way to celebrations like “Friendsgiving,” a gathering of those who constitute a broader...