
Home Perspectives Editorials Page 2

We Must Stop the Killing

The July 4 weekend will be remembered as a horrible time involving over 1,000 people victimized by shootings or killed during the celebration of America’s independence. Many of those deaths occurred in Black neighborhoods where distraught residents have called for an end to the violence and loss of life. In Chicago, there were 100 shootings and 19 deaths, beginning Wednesday,...

Love Self First

“One of the gravest handicaps among the so-called Negroes is that there is no love for self, nor love for his or her own kind. This not having love for self is the root cause of hate (dislike), disunity, disagreement, quarreling, betraying, stool pigeons and fighting and killing one another. How can you be loved, if you have not...

Mistakes? Mayhem? No. This Is Outright Murder

When Israel bombs, starves or shoots Palestinians, mainstream U.S. media downplays the atrocities. Loss of life is chalked up to mistakes or the tragedy of wartime mayhem. It’s not. It’s murder. The Israeli Defense Forces’ recent slaughter of hundreds of Gazans to retrieve four Israelis taken captive by Hamas is another bloody example of unlawful killing, genocide, murder and media collusion. “Hell.”...

The Unraveling of a Great Nation: Another Step Toward Anarchy?

“There’s a verse in the Qur’an, it’s in the 16th Surah, the 92nd verse and it says, ‘Be not like her who unravels her yarn, disintegrating it into pieces, after she has spun it strongly.’  Her here is not talking about a woman, as such, but if you see somebody knitting something, with a design, and they leave it not...

Atrocities, arrest warrants and major accomplices in crimes against humanity

President Biden’s “ironclad” defense of Israel in the face of International Criminal Court charges against Zionist leaders are the words of a co-conspirator in crimes that much of the world has already condemned. When you are giving Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu billions of U.S. tax dollars, 2,000 lb. bombs that devastate refugee camps, villages and cities, backing an assault that...

Lessons from college: No rights Zionists are bound to respect

American colleges have a long history and tradition that is supposed to encourage debate, freedom of expression, development of political and social ideas and vehicles, such as protests, to express those ideas in a “democratic” society. That right is being crushed before our eyes. Jewish groups and individuals have strong-armed university officials into abusing students peacefully protesting genocide in Gaza and...

Jewish groups, Israel’s government are attacking the fundamental rights of American citizens

Two things can be true at the same time. But one cannot be a helpless victim and a powerful destroyer of others at the same time. Crying powerlessness while exerting great power is a favorite tactic of the Zionist lobby, Israel and evil ones who call themselves Jews but are not due to their wickedness. Their target this time? A Muslim...

Word play and playing with Palestinian lives

“A ‘lie’ is ‘a false statement made with a deliberate attempt to deceive; an intentional untruth.’  Everyone, at some point in life, has told a lie. But ‘telling a lie’ does not necessarily make one a liar. A ‘liar’ is ‘a person who has lied, or lies repeatedly.’ According to the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a ‘liar’...

Atrocities, murder, and no end to genocide in Gaza

News of famine and loss of life in Gaza should not surprise us as Israelis continue their deadly assault on Palestinians or anyone within the Zionist state’s kill zone. The murder of World Central Kitchen humanitarian workers struck down by Israeli Defense Force missiles have again brought words of “sorrow” and calls for investigation. There was presidential outrage in the White...

Ramadan and Our Responsibility

With the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, nearly 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide began special fasting and prayers in another annual celebration of the Holy Qur’an being revealed to our beloved and noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) some 1,400 years ago. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke May 11 on the Nation of Islam’s Ramadan Prayer Line (now called the...