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Still at war against Black people: New report documents an old evil

In the “Struggle For Power: The Ongoing Persecution of Black Movement by The U.S. Government,” a new report, the Movement For Black Lives and the Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Clinic expose how the oppression of Black people by the government remains a constant threat to our progress and any attempt to obtain freedom, justice and equality—or even...

Divine warnings and lessons from Afghanistan

The scenes from the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan were harrowing. The world was witnessing what a CNN reporter called the “unraveling of this 20 year presence” by America after decades of war and with hatred growing for the United States. The president had said withdrawal of U.S. troops from Kabul would not mirror the fall of Saigon 46 years ago...

President Biden is betting bipartisanship can save America; that’s a losing bet for Black folk

President Biden’s town hall meeting was different from his predecessor, Donald Trump, in tone, language, vision. The Delaware Democrat admitted the United States is facing major problems and shouting “Make America Great Again” and wrapping oneself in the flag isn’t going to ensure this country’s survival. “When I went to this G7, all the major democracies, I walked in …...

Uncle Sam’s bloody handprint in Haiti and Cuba

Coming across television, radio, smart phones and podcasts are news and photos of unrest, suffering in Haiti and Cuba as the United States lies and omits the truth of her intervention in these nations. America’s hands are bloody as she pushes deprivation and death in these Caribbean countries. The United States sees itself as the master of the Western Hemisphere....

We say no to troops and more U.S. evildoing in Haiti

The killing of President Jovenel Moïse of Haiti was shocking in an era where the outright killing of a government leader, even an unpopular one, was thought gone. The killing brought more insecurity and trauma to the world’s first Black Republic and what one activist called the original champions of human rights because Haiti outlawed slavery. With already serious economic...

Divine guidance: The antidote to widespread death

A year ago the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered words of divine warning about the Covid-19 pandemic, the Donald Trump-led rush to produce experimental vaccines, and the divine hand at work in this global crisis. His warning last July 4 in “The Criterion,” a near three-hour message, was directed at the U.S. president, global political and religious leaders, the world...

Out of control cops can’t hide behind crime problem

It was predictable. With calls for changes in policing and demands for cop accountability, you could foresee the response of out-of-control police departments and their apologists saying nothing can be done to rein in cops because of rising crime problems. But what does rising crime during a pandemic have to do with Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of George...

What about justice in America?

When President Biden met with Russian Vladimir Putin the subject of “misdeeds” by the former KBG agent were blasted in the American media. When Mr. Putin responded by questioning American respect for human rights and illegal actions on the world stage, the mainstream media started to howl. “Russian President Vladimir Putin displayed his ‘classic’ whataboutism play at the news conference...

America’s Deep Decline

“The responsibility of the well-being of the people of this nation rests primarily on the shoulders of the leadership. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to us that neither justice nor peace shall come to the nations of the earth until the 400-year-old problem of Black people in America has been solved with justice. The reason why no other nation...


News coverage and analysis of a yet-to-be-released official federal report on what has been referred to as UFOs has exploded. This summertime blockbuster isn’t a movie and it isn’t even out yet, but we should all be paying attention. Some most important aspects of this “controversy” have already been admitted even as we await the report’s findings. These  forced admissions of the...