
Home Perspectives Editorials Page 26

A world enslaved

By FinalCall.com News Facts can be stubborn and troubling things: It is a fact that the gap between the super-rich and everyone else is growing. This should disturb anyone concerned about justice, peace or mere survival. Consider these realities: Almost half of the world's wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population.The wealth of the one percent richest people in...

When Hell freezes over …

By FinalCall.com News The proverbial phrase when “Hell Freezes Over” became a reality when Hell, Mich., some sixty miles from Detroit reached -4 degrees and as low as -27 degrees. Death spread across America in January as weather-related tragedies struck, including car and truck pile-ups and a homeless man was found frozen solid behind a building in Maryland. In a...

A sign of troubling times?

By FinalCall.com News Just a couple weeks into the New Year comes an incident that raises concerns, questions and fears about what Black folks can expect in 2014 and the climate in the country. Not surprisingly it involves a Black male driver and an encounter with law enforcement. The circumstances reported by the man's family and the images posted on his...

Fighting a true War on Poverty

By FinalCall.com News It was 50 years ago in January that President Lyndon B. Johnson announced the time had come to wage a War on Poverty. His presidential declaration was followed up with more support for programs that assassinated President John F. Kennedy had created to tackle problems of hunger, job training and job creation. President Johnson's “unconditional war on...

New possibility for a New Year?

By FinalCall.com News It's the time of year where resolutions and declarations are made and the promise of change comes to the forefront of minds and lips. Many shun New Year's resolutions and reject attaching much importance to linking change to change in the Gregorian calendar. But taking a look at oneself and one's life and deciding what things need to...

Editorial: What is a Black life worth?

By FinalCall.com News Black suffering in America is not new, but this year seemed to bring an abundance of pain, death and disrespect. Sadly loss of life occurred at the hands of those outside of the Black community and in our assaults on one another. Dying at the hands of our open enemy and the children of those who brought...

Mis-defining Madiba

By Richard B. Muhammad Nelson Mandela, the beloved freedom fighter, onetime political prisoner and president of South Africa, has departed this life. We thank Allah (God) for his life, his yet unfinished work and our challenge is to complete his task. Part of completing that task lies in understanding the man, the mission, challenges he faced–and challenges his beloved South...

Black and Blue Friday:Seasonal madness begins

By FinalCall.com News 'Tis the season for bullets and bruises as Black Friday ushered in a spending frenzy and its brother, widespread fighting and violence. Seeking to get their piece of an estimated $600 billion expected to be spent between now and Dec. 25, retailers opened their doors on Thanksgiving Day and tried to lure customers into their business lairs. Once...

Do we love Black women?

By FinalCall.com News A major tenet of the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam is respect for and protection of the Black woman. Following in the footsteps of his teacher and delving deeply into this principle, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has made respect, appreciation and proper development of women as well as condemning the abuse...

The sting of hatred and our survival

By FinalCall.com News Just when you thought Halloween, blackface and slave costumes had retired for the year comes news of a “Catch An Illegal” immigrant event on a college campus in Texas. According to writer Scott Kaufman of rawstory.com, the University of Texas at Austin chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas scheduled the “game” for Wednesday, Nov. 20. “According to event's Facebook...