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Senegalese PM blasts French military presence, raises possibility of closing bases

Senegal’s prime minister has vehemently denounced the French military presence in his country and raised the possibility of closing its bases amid a growing move by the neighboring states to expel foreign occupation troops from the Sahel region. Ousmane Sonko, who is a vociferous critic of France’s meddling in its former colony, said in a wide-ranging speech that the French...

Increased Egyptian-Israeli tensions brewing from Gaza war

In a shocking development, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Egyptian officials said they are considering downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel by possibly pulling their country’s ambassador in Tel Aviv. One report said this action is more like an increasing domino effect, resulting from Israel’s invasion of Rafah. “As we stand, there are no plans to suspend ties or...

Niger cut military ties with U.S. over Washington threats, Iran partnership: PM

Niger’s prime minister says the termination of military cooperation and bilateral relations between his country and the United States was due to American threats and Washington’s opposition to the African nation’s partnership with Iran and Russia. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine told The Washington Post in an interview published on May 14 that the U.S. had tried to dictate what countries Niamey can have...

‘Time is running out’ to address crisis in Sudan

The international community must give greater attention and resources to war-ravaged Sudan, where millions are “trapped in an inferno of brutal violence,” the top UN aid official in the country said on May 15.  UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, warned that “time is running out” as famine, disease and fighting close in on the population “and...

New health law in South Africa addresses inequality, but critics say they’ll challenge it

JOHANNESBURG—South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on May 15 signed into law a bill that aims to overhaul the healthcare system to address deep inequality, but it faces legal challenges from critics. The law introduces what is known as National Health Insurance, which will provide funds for all South Africans to access private healthcare. Currently, 80 percent of the population relies on...

Did Guinea-Bissau’s president scuttle an attempt for aid to get to Gaza?

Mandla Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s grandson, recently led a “Free Palestine” chant in Istanbul where an international Freedom Flotilla Coalition was set to sail and attempt to deliver much-needed aid to Gaza. “We have finally got through to set sail and we are looking forward to breaking the siege and breaking the blockade on Gaza and ensuring that Palestinians and civil...

Tehran economic conference: President Raeisi hails Iran-Africa expansion of ties

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says the Islamic Republic and the African nations are keen to strengthen ties between the two sides, noting that enhanced ties can form a complementary economy.  Raeisi made the remarks during the 2nd Iran & Africa International Economic Conference on April 26 at Tehran’s International Conference Center.  “This meeting is a symbol of the will of African...

The contradictions in trying to reform African debt with outdated post-neoliberal era mechanisms

While viewing OXFAM America’s recent forum on “Remaking Global Economic Governance For A Post-Neoliberal Era,” the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s words about the standard by which doing “good” is measured came to mind.   Discussing the doing of good or retooling the neoliberal policies of the past to somehow benefit the recipients of capitalism’s history of exploitation, sounds more like an...

South Africa’s opposition to U.S., UK interference is a risk worth taking

There is an old adage that states, “politics make strange bedfellows.” South Africa’s upcoming May 29 national elections don’t beg to differ. Out of the not-so-clear blue, the United Kingdom (UK), members of the United States Congress, and the head of the Oppenheimer family founded Brenthurst Foundation have donated millions of dollars to the opposition—including the Democratic Alliance (DA),...

West African nation stages protests against U.S. military presence

Organizers praised Niger’s rulers for diversifying ties with nations, including Russia, that respect the state’s sovereignty Thousands of demonstrators, including government officials, rallied in Niger’s capital, Niamey, demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. Army from the West African nation, which kicked French troops out last year. The protests took place in support of the Nigerien military government’s decision on March 16...