Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Will White Christians accept Islam?

We have thousands of the darker people joining Islam all over the earth, but a very few Whites accept Islam. The door of Islam has always been open to everyone who desired to accept it, but today it is different. The door of this religion is now being closed against the White race which has repeatedly rejected Islam,...

Regrets of the Doubters

And on the day when the wrongdoer will bite his hands, saying, would that I had taken a way with the Messenger!” –Holy Qur'an 25:27 According to the histories of the prophets of the past, all of their rejected enemies and mockers of the people had this same regret when the truth of the message that these prophets delivered was...

Time Has Arrived That Allah Will Fulfill His Promise

The so-called Negroes are the prey (Isa. 49:24) of the mighty United States as Israel was in the days of Pharaoh. They were a prey under the power of Pharaoh. According to the Bible, they had nothing like a share in the land of Egypt. A few cattle and the land or home given to Joseph’s father house in...

Destruction of Americas Education

The plague of Allah (God) against the educational system of America is something that the philosophers and scientists should look into, as the destruction of America’s education is the destruction of their wisdom to educate the people. There are many who look on the destruction without taking a second thought of the destruction of America’s education. Education is a...

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

It is almost unbelievable to see and talk with our people and find in their talk, in this modern rise of advanced education for all, that our very educators and intellectual people desire nothing more than to remain in the “free” mental shackles of slavery with nothing constructive for themselves and their people. After 400 years (of which one...

The Decision

Holy Qur'an, Chapter 78:2 “Of the tremendous announcement.” "The Day of Decision." We are now living in the time in which we must decide on what we should do. It is very important that we arrive at a solution; come to a definitive agreement. You, Black Man of America, are holding back your decision. You are waiting because of the...

Blackman Accept Your Own (God said: Accept your own)

It is an act of intelligence and love for us to accept our own. One will say, “What is our own?” No. 1, our own people–our own earth, God and His religion, Islam (the religion of peace) and our own place in the sun. This Divine call to us to accept our own makes sense. Everything of life will...

Separate and be Saved

That unwillingness of the slaves to leave their masters is due to their great love for the slave-masters. If America is unwilling to grant her 22 million ex-slaves freedom to go for self today, it is the same unwillingness of White America's forefathers in dealing with our parents less than 100 years ago. During the time of the Emancipation Proclamation...

The Black Woman

The woman is man's field to produce his nation. If he does not keep the enemy out of his field, he won't produce a good nation. If we love our vegetable crops, we will go out and turn up the leaves on that vegetable stalk and look carefully for worms that are eating and destroying the vegetables. We will...

Understand Self

There are some efforts to celebrate a so-called "Negro History Week," and some of my people will participate. The planning of that week to teach the slave a knowledge of his past is not complete, sufficient or comprehensive enough to enable my people to learn the true knowledge of themselves. It is important that my people learn the...