Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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An Economic Blueprint

The Black man in America faces a serious economic problem today and the White race's Christianity cannot solve it. You, the so-called American Negro, with the help of Allah can solve your own problem. The truth must be recognized by the Black man. He, himself, has assisted greatly in creating this serious problem of unemployment, insecurity and lack. Before...

The Angry World

The rapid spread of evil over the people is a manifestation of what is in the world that is called Christianity. The Great spread of both evil and filth is staggering in the Eyes of Allah (God) and the righteous. The Holy Qur'an teaches us to “fear a day where evil is spreading far and wide.” The resurrection of the mentally...


Independence means to be free of the dominance of others. It is a very happy feeling for one to enjoy self-freedom! The White race, in the Western Hemisphere, takes this day, July 4, 1972, to be a day to worship in remembrance of their achieving Independence from other people. The White race in the Western Hemisphere had to conquer the...

Great Time Of Trouble! Rulers Against Rulers

IN the mind of most ignorant people, there is no doubt that we are living in the GREAT TIME OF TROUBLE, that was predicted by Jesus and other prophets of the Bible. THERE WILL, come a TIME OF TROUBLE that has never been witnessed by man, since man has been on the earth. This GREATEST TIME OF TROUBLE has...

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

It is almost unbelievable to see and talk with our people and find in their talk, in this modern rise of advanced education for all, that our very educators and intellectual people desire nothing more than to remain in the “free” mental shackles of slavery with nothing constructive for themselves and their people. After 400 years (of which one...

The Principles of Islam

The number one principle of Islam is a belief in Allah (God); the belief in a power higher than man. Although man may be ignorant of just who it is who has such supreme power, it can be traced back to the beginning of the civilization of the human race and to the beginning of the writing of history....


The American White people are more concerned about mistreating the Black once-slave of America than America is concerned with any nation on earth that is attacking her out-lying posts. Her enemies are intensifying their attacks on her. America is right out of the frying pan into the fire all over the earth, due to her evil intentions against her...

Evil Spreading Far, Wide

Never since the creation of Adam and Eve have there been such chaotic times as we are witnessing today–with the worst yet to come! There is no peace among the nations of the earth. The only few people who enjoy peace of mind and contentment in this day and time are the elect of God, though they are persecuted from...

The Threatened Day

As the Heavens are full of stars, it does not seem possible to the naked eye that we need add any more stars because the heavens are full of stars. As the Heavens are full of stars, so it is with the population of the earth today. The population of the earth is the greatest that it has been for...

The Beast -Part II

Who Is Able To Make War With Him? Who is able to make war with him? (Rev. 13:4) dreadful and terrible (Dan. 7:7) God and His Prophets could not have given the White race a better name (serpent) according to the characteristics of that race. The serpent of Genesis 3:1 was none other than the devil (White race). He deceived...