Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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The Black Man Must Know the Truth

No. 1 – To know the truth of the Presence of the God of Truth and that His presence is the Salvation of the Lost and Found people of America is to know your life and its happiness. No. 2 – Truth is in favor of you and me; for the truth of our enemies whom we have been serving...

Certainty of the Punishment

(Holy Qur'an 70:6,7,8)Ch. 70:6, “Surely they see it far off,”7, “And We see it nigh.”8, “The day when the heaven is as molten brass.” The Holy Qur'an, is the truest religious Book, that can be found on the planet earth. It gives guidance to the wisest philosopher and to the most ignorant savage says Maulana Muhammad Ali, (translator of the...

Rise And Fall of The Christian West

The fall of America is now visible and understandable, not only in the eyes of scholars and scientists but even in the eyes and understanding of the ignorant. Long has Allah (God) been gradually removing the power of the great and mighty America while few have noticed it. This has been done by degrees, and they do not...

Up! You Can Accomplish As You Will!

I am asking that we (the whole nation) sacrifice for the next three years and when we get enough in our bank, we will put it to work to make more money. We do not mean to let it lie idly for three years; we could invest in anything to help the Nation improve our economic condition. Heretofore our...

‘Mystery Babylon. The Great’

According to the English interpretation, the word “mystery” means unknown uncertain, obscure, concealed, a secret, kept to oneself, between you and me, locked up, something that has not been or cannot be explained. In theology it is a supposed truth of fact of great religious import which is beyond human comprehension. In the time of the translation of...

Devils Fool And Disgrace You

Almighty Allah (God) and the Nation of Islam elsewhere (Asia and Africa, the Islands) are grieved and hurt to the heart to see you walking into the trap your enemies (the devils) have and still are setting for you. I am your sincere brother with the truth from your God and mine, which means your very life and the future...

The Coming of God and The Gathering Together of His People

The prophets have warned us of a time that would come when God would judge the wicked and punish, or rather destroy, the wicked and give the earth over to the rule of a righteous people. So many of us have misunderstood just what we should expect. What will God look like? If we expect the destruction of the...

What Is Islam?

While teaching and representing a religion called "Islam" to you, the first important thing to do is to answer the questions: What is Islam? Who is the author? Who are its prophets and people? Such questions could be answered in a few words or one could make books out the answers. Briefly, "Islam" means entire submission to the...

The Beast -Part 1

Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Rev. 13:4). This beast that is spoken of in the prophecy of the first book of the Bible called Revelations and has and still is being much misunderstood by my people. But one thing is certain, the name (beast) is believed by most all readers...

The Two Worlds, The Two Camps

The World is divided into two camps -- Islam and Christianity. Christianity, or we may say, the White man, has been in power for 6,000 years. He has ruled independently since the birth of Moses, 4,000 years. Islam came to Israel from Moses. Israel rebelled and Nimrod broke the civilization of Moses in the 17th century from Moses. So...