Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Time Has Arrived That Allah Will Fulfill His Promise

The so-called Negroes are the prey (Isa. 49:24) of the mighty United States as Israel was in the days of Pharaoh. They were a prey under the power of Pharaoh. According to the Bible, they had nothing like a share in the land of Egypt. A few cattle and the land or home given to Joseph’s father house in...

Modern Babylon is Falling

We say “modern” when we refer to something comparing it to the past. This name “Babylon” begins in Genesis 10:10 (Bible). In Gen. 10:10 it is spelled “B-a-b-e-l.” But the same name seems to have changed itself into the name Babylon as we come to the most late-day history of this name. Babel (Babylon)–According to the history of Babylon...

Program And Position: What Do The Muslims Want?

This is the question asked most frequently by both the Whites and the Blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom.We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all regardless of creed, class or color.We want equality of...

The Light of Allah

1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn; 2. From the evil of that which He (Yakub) has created; 3. And from the evil of intense darkness when it comes; 4. And from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in form of resolutions; 5. And from the evil of the envier when he...

Blackman Accept Your Own (God said: Accept your own)

It is an act of intelligence and love for us to accept our own. One will say, “What is our own?” No. 1, our own people–our own earth, God and His religion, Islam (the religion of peace) and our own place in the sun. This Divine call to us to accept our own makes sense. Everything of life will...

The Time Must Be Considered

The subject is titled and is taken from the Chapter 103 of the Holy Qur'an. It calls our attention to consider the time. It goes further to point out that those who do not consider the time will be lost. This stands true in every walk of life, that if we do not consider the time, we are...

Babylon could have been saved, but she was not

America seems to be the answer to many of the Bible’s and the Holy Qur’an’s prophecies. It is mentioned in Jeremiah (51:9) that ancient Babylon could have been healed, but was not for her wickedness was such that she was neither healed nor forgiven. The charges against ancient Babylon, according to her history, were that she persecuted and imprisoned the...

What Is Islam?

While teaching and representing a religion called "Islam" to you, the first important thing to do is to answer the questions: What is Islam? Who is the author? Who are its prophets and people? Such questions could be answered in a few words or one could make books out the answers. Briefly, "Islam" means entire submission to the...

The National Election

The Black man of America has been privileged by the slave-masters’ children for the last century to vote for Whites for the offices to judge and rule. This freedom to vote has made the Black man in America feel very dignified and proud of himself. He goes to the polls very happy to vote for a White ruler....


That old serpent, called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world (Rev. 12:9) is a person or persons whose characteristics are like that of a serpent (snake). Serpents or snakes of the grafted type cannot be trusted, for they will strike you when you are not expecting a strike. Let us refer to Genesis: “Dan shall be a...