Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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Hypocrites, Disbelievers and Obedience

We Need Not Have Fear For The Future These above words are those of disbelievers and hypocrites. The disbelievers and hypocrites of prophets and messengers of God never want to give them credit and honor and bear witness with them in saying that the message they are delivering to the people is from the Lord of the Worlds (God). They...

Knowledge of Time

If only the American so-called Negroes had knowledge of the time in which we now live, they would accept Islam at once; for it is just the acceptance of Islam which will bring the so-called Negroes the things they desire; good homes, money and friendship in all walks of life. This is the time that they should enjoy such...

Days Of The Son Of Man: Confusion Of Nations

The prophecy of the coming of the Son of Man and the days of the Son of Man is almost the whole of the Bible, scriptures, histories and prophecies. The people who read the Bible should understand these things. You should want to read and understand. Let us see what and who is the Son of Man who is...

Fire Fed With Fuel

The subject of this chapter is taken from the Holy Qur'an Chapter 85:5. We do not hope for peace as long as we add to the war that which serves as fuel to a fire. The fire cannot go out as long as we keep it burning by adding more fuel. A dying, burning fire is increased when more fuel...

The Day of America’s Downfall

Allah manifests the fall of America. He desires to make America fall as a warning to her brothers in Europe. White Americans and Germans–Allah has taught me–are the most wicked of the White race. The wicked deeds that have been performed and are still being performed by White Americans upon the so-called Negroes (their slaves) are the worst...

Plan to Destroy Our Race

The American so-called Negroes are gravely deceived by the slave-masters’ teaching of God and the true religion of God. They do not know they are deceived and earnestly believe they are right regardless of how vile the White race may be. My poor people are mentally blind, deaf and dumb and full of fear. Blind because they do not see...

Islam for so-called Negroes

According to the past histories of prophets and reformers, the very people to whom they were sent with the light of truth were their rejecters and even their enemies. When the time comes for a change in the life of a people, there are those who will not appreciate a change. They are suspicious and doubt that which...

Land Of Our Own And Qualifications The Unity Of 22 Million

The unity of 22 million socalled Negroes up from slavery is the answer to our salvation. We are suffering untold torture and murder at the hands of our enemies (the children of our slave-master) because of the lack of unity. The cause of this lack of unity among us is due to the work and teaching of our enemies,...

On Sport and Play

How can we say that we are the civilized people of the world when to be civilized, as Allah has taught me, one must have knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture and refinement and not be savage. America, more than any other country, offers our people opportunities to engage in sports and play which cause delinquency, murder, theft and other...

The Troubled America: No Peace

America, in trying to hold her place as the greatest power among the nations of earth, is one of the most troubled countries on earth today. The world has never before seen the top rulers of the land leaving their offices to visit nations abroad. The purpose of these visits to foreign countries is to make peace with them...