Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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A Nation Of Our Own

The poor slave. After his masters let him go free, his first problem to solve was securing a home of his own for the first time. He must now do for self. Master is no longer responsible for him, he must solve his own problems. He must now realize that he must work hard to be equal of other nations....

Certainty of the Punishment

(Holy Qur'an 70:6,7,8)Ch. 70:6, “Surely they see it far off,”7, “And We see it nigh.”8, “The day when the heaven is as molten brass.” The Holy Qur'an, is the truest religious Book, that can be found on the planet earth. It gives guidance to the wisest philosopher and to the most ignorant savage says Maulana Muhammad Ali, (translator of the...

Friendship of Allah (God)

Of all friendships of friends and relations, theare is no friendship that is equal to the Friendship of Allah (God). To have Allah (God) as our Friend, we have a Place of Refuge -- we have a shelter from the great stormy tempest of the wicked. The Friendship Of Allah (God) is the kind of Friendship and Refuge that the...

Old World Going Out; New World Coming In

The Old World of mischief-making and bloodshed is now on its way out in order to make room for the new world of Righteousness and Peace. For the past 6,000 years we have had to live in an evil world that was designed to destroy the peace of man and to shed his blood. All around the earth, there has not...

Black and White Worlds Near a Showdown

Due to the presence of Allah In Person, (Master Fard Muhammad to Whom Praises are Due forever) and His Aims and Purposes to take over His own, it brings us hourly to a showdown of who shall rule the Nations of Earth. The present world (White people) have had their time and have gone over their time to rule. Nevertheless...

Knowledge of Time

If only the American so-called Negroes had knowledge of the time in which we now live, they would accept Islam at once; for it is just the acceptance of Islam which will bring the so-called Negroes the things they desire; good homes, money and friendship in all walks of life. This is the time that they should enjoy such...

The Calamity

The title of this chapter is taken from the Holy Qur'an, Ch. 101:1-4. “1. The calamity!2. What is the calamity?3. And what will make thee know how terrible is the calamity?” In the English language, according to Webster's Dictionary, the word calamity means, “a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss, or a great event marked...

A House of Our Own

We cannot be successful in the house of our enemies; we should be in our own house. That which is other than our own is for those who are other than our own. “Our own” is unlimited physically and spiritually. There are those who think that our lack of freedom, justice and equality can be solved in the White...

Truth of The Guilty Made Known

What can the guilty say when the truth of their guilt is made known? I have been teaching for over 35 years what Almighty Allah (God) has revealed to me of the truth of this subject. The origin of sin, the origin of murder, the origin of lying are deceptions originated with the creators of evil and injustice–the White...

The Mother Plane

The Mother Plane was made to destroy this world of evil and to show the wisdom and mighty power of the God Who came to destroy an old world and set up a new world. The nature of the new world is righteousness. The nature of the new world cannot be righteousness, as long as unrighteousness is in its midst. The...