Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Evil Spreading Far, Wide
Never since the creation of Adam and Eve have there been such chaotic times as we are witnessing today–with the worst yet to come! There is no peace among the nations of the earth. The only few people who enjoy peace of mind and contentment in this day and time are the elect of God, though they are persecuted from...
The Days of Allah
“Say to those who believe that they forgive those who do not fear the days of Allah, that He may reward a people for what they earn.” What is meant by “Days of Allah” are the battles between right and wrong. They are often mentioned as follows: the Days of Judgment, the Days of the Resurrection, the Days of...
The National Election
The Black man of America has been privileged by the slavemasters’ children for the last century to vote for Whites for the offices to judge and rule. This freedom to vote has made the Black man in America feel very dignified and proud of himself. He goes to the polls very happy to vote for a White ruler. Today,...
Fire Fed With Fuel
The subject of this chapter is taken from the Holy Qur'an Chapter 85:5. We do not hope for peace as long as we add to the war that which serves as fuel to a fire. The fire cannot go out as long as we keep it burning by adding more fuel. A dying, burning fire is increased when more fuel...
America’s Land Being Divinely Curtailed
Holy Qur’an, Ch. 13:41, “See they not that We are visiting the land, curtailing it of its sides? And Allah pronounces a doom—there is no repeller of His decree. And He is swift in calling to account.” Black Man in America, there is no one as blind as you are in seeing what is going on against America. I have...
The Blood Shedder
According to the word of Allah (God) and the history of the world, since the grafting of the Caucasian race 6,000 years ago, they have caused more bloodshed than any people known to the black nation. Born murderers, their very nature is to murder. The Bible and Holy Qur'an Sharrieff are full of teachings of this bloody race of...
Beware of Starchy Foods and Sweets
God Almighty has taught me–and many others–that we should never eat more than one meal a day. That will most certainly heal you of many complaints. Since the American citizens eat more meat, sugar and starchy foods than they should, there is almost an epidemic of too much sugar accumulating in our blood. Eating one meal a day, which...
How Can We Unite?
So you say that we cannot unite and produce our own necessities? We are 22 million or more people de-pending on the White American citizens to produce food, clothes, shelter, transportation, employment and our educational training. And if they (White Americans) do not share equally with us, we charge them with discriminating; some of us will go to the extreme...
The worst is yet to come
According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation–and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people–and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment– and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied–and to find...
The Sure Truth
(Taken from Chapter 69 of the Holy Qur'an.) What is said there in Chapter 69 of the Holy Qur'an is so true and is being fulfilled in this day and time. This Chapter is warning the people in the time of the Resurrection of the mentally dead of what happened in the histories of former people who were doomed to...