Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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Time Has Arrived That Allah Will Fulfill His Promise

The so-called Negroes are the prey (Isa. 49:24) of the mighty United States as Israel was in the days of Pharaoh. They were a prey under the power of Pharaoh. According to the Bible, they had nothing like a share in the land of Egypt. A few cattle and the land or home given to Joseph’s father house in...

Islam Dignifies

Why do I stress the religion of Islam for my people, the so-called American Negroes. First, and most important, Islam is actually our religion by nature. It is the religion of Allah (God), not a European organized White man's religion. Second, it is the original, the only religion of Allah (God) and His prophets. It is the only religion that will...


God is a man and we just cannot make Him other than man, lest we make Him an inferior one; for man’s intelligence has no equal in other than man. His wisdom is infinite; capable of accomplishing anything that His brain can conceive. A spirit is subjected to us and not we to the spirit. Habakkuk uses the pronoun “He”...

I Want to Teach You

Yesterday you could not find Me. I was so wrapped in the mist that people were trampling on me and they didn't know that I was down there in the mud. All praise is due to Allah. Allah Is all of us. But we have a Supreme One that we can throw this name “Holy” upon. He Is Allah,...

The Fall of America Foretold, Separation is the Answer

Holy Qur’an 81: 6,7,12 And when the cities are set a fire. And when men are united. And when the hell is kindled. The Folding Up is the title, taken from the first verse of that chapter, in which the above verses are found. When the sun is folded up (Holy Qur’an 81:1) symbolically prophesies the folding up of a recorded...

Evil Spreading Far, Wide

Never since the creation of Adam and Eve have there been such chaotic times as we are witnessing today–with the worst yet to come! There is no peace among the nations of the earth. The only few people who enjoy peace of mind and contentment in this day and time are the elect of God, though they are persecuted from...

Fire Fed With Fuel

The subject of this chapter is taken from the Holy Qur'an Chapter 85:5. We do not hope for peace as long as we add to the war that which serves as fuel to a fire. The fire cannot go out as long as we keep it burning by adding more fuel. A dying, burning fire is increased when more fuel...

Four Great Judgments of America

To be plagued with too much rain will destroy property and lives. It swells the rivers and creeks. Too much rain floods cities and towns. Large bodies of water at the ocean shore lines will be made to swell with unusually high waves, dumping billions of tons of water over the now seashore line. Rain destroys property and kills cattle...

Help Self Before Helping Others

Many of my people, the so-called Negroes, say we should help the nations of Africa which are awakening. This has been said as if we owned America. We are so foolish! What part of America do you have that you can offer toward helping Africa? Who is independent, the nations of Africa or we? The best act would be...

The Angry World

The rapid spread of evil over the people is a manifestation of what is in the world that is called Christianity. The Great spread of both evil and filth is staggering in the Eyes of Allah (God) and the righteous. The Holy Qur'an teaches us to “fear a day where evil is spreading far and wide.” The resurrection of the mentally...