Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Old World Going Out; New World Coming In
The Old World of mischief-making and bloodshed is now on its way out in order to make room for the new world of Righteousness and Peace. For the past 6,000 years we have had to live in an evil world that was designed to destroy the peace of man and to shed his blood. All around the earth, there has not...
The World
The World (under the rule of the White race) that we have been living in had a duration of time of 6,000 years. We have been living in The World for the duration of her time, and how her time is up, and she (The World) is conscious to the fact that God Will Rule the people in a...
We Must First Be Brothers!
The so-called American Negro needs self-education of others in order to get the respect and recognition of others. He is not independent. He does not own any land that he can call his own. He does not have an organized government of his own; he needs even more than equal education. He needs a superior education to that which...
Separate and be Saved
That unwillingness of the slaves to leave their masters is due to their great love for the slave-masters. If America is unwilling to grant her 22 million ex-slaves freedom to go for self today, it is the same unwillingness of White America's forefathers in dealing with our parents less than 100 years ago. During the time of the Emancipation Proclamation...
Be Yourself
Allah’s great teaching and warning to us (the so- called Negroes) is: “Be Yourself.” What is our ownself? He answers that “Your ownself is a righteous Muslim, born of the Tribe of Shabazz.” He taught us that we are the original people of the earth who have no birth record. He calls on us to submit to him that he...
That old serpent, called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world (Rev. 12:9) is a person or persons whose characteristics are like that of a serpent (snake). Serpents or snakes of the grafted type cannot be trusted, for they will strike you when you are not expecting a strike. Let us refer to Genesis: “Dan shall be a...
Prayer in Islam
“Surely prayer keeps away from indecency and evil; and certainly the remembrance of Allah is the greatest and Allah knows what you do” (Holy Qur'an 29:45). Surely the best way to strive to be upright in a sinful world is to pray continuously to the One True God, whose proper name is Allah, for guidance. As we are generally...
Confusion, Confusion of People
Now the rise of America’s once slave into the knowledge of self, in the spirit of Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (the son of Man), the Author of the Resurrection of us the mentally dead is causing untold confusion among the heads of state. The scripture is being fulfilled wherein it prophesies that in these days (meaning...
Time Has Arrived That Allah Will Fulfill His Promise
The so-called Negroes are the prey (Isa. 49:24) of the mighty United States as Israel was in the days of Pharaoh. They were a prey under the power of Pharaoh. According to the Bible, they had nothing like a share in the land of Egypt. A few cattle and the land or home given to Joseph’s father house in...
Islam Dignifies
Why do I stress the religion of Islam for my people, the so-called American Negroes. First, and most important, Islam is actually our religion by nature. It is the religion of Allah (God), not a European organized White man's religion. Second, it is the original, the only religion of Allah (God) and His prophets. It is the only religion that will...