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Black America Hardest Hit By Coronavirus

Healthcare Justice

NNPA/FCN)—Early data and deaths are showing Blacks are disproportionate victims of the Covid-19 pandemic based on health and other problems rooted in historical oppression and inequity. Congressional leaders have called for more data collection and release of data based on race as the pandemic enters what the White House called a crucial phase in early April. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr.,...

Minister Farrakhan announces major July 4 worldwide address

CHICAGO—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam recently delivered a poignant, spiritually insightful message at the close of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the annual Islamic period of daylight fasting, special prayers, acts of kindness and reading of the Qur’an—the book of scripture of Muslims.  The Minister’s message was also full of warning and guidance for all...

Pan-African solidarity in the midst of a crisis Final Call Covid-19, Africa forum unites experts across continent with audience in U.S.

WASHINGTON—According to recent figures published by Johns Hopkins University, over 2.7 million cases of Covid-19 have been detected worldwide, with 192,019 deaths and 752,148 people now recovered. In Africa, Nigeria has logged about 981 cases and 31 deaths; South Africa about 3,953 cases and 75 deaths; Ghana about 1,279 cases and 10 deaths and Kenya about 336 cases and 14 deaths. Those numbers may seem...

$349 billion Covid-19 small business program short-changes businesses of color

A $349 billion program created to assist America’s small businesses was launched on April 3 to provide payroll, utilities, rent and more for eligible applicants screened by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). On April 16—less than two weeks later—this national stimulus enacted in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic, ran out of funds. In separate but related legal...

Consumer, civil rights groups condemn ‘Pay Day Rule’ delay


WASHINGTON—Several national consumer and civil rights groups, including organizations like the Consumer Federation of America, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), NAACP, and the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders, joined the growing voices of dissent against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s proposed delay of a 2017 rule the agency...

Truth telling and Supreme Wisdom

Jay Electronica’s ‘A Written Testimony’ a spiritually loaded lyrical, musical masterpiece Jay Electronica’s long-awaited debut album, “A Written Testimony,” has been praised by fans and long-time admirers grateful for the offering from one of hip hop’s lyrical geniuses. Jay Elec’s lyrics, and the inclusion of JAY-Z in what many were expecting to be a solo project from one of the premier...

Americans still not prepared for disasters

( - A tornado was the last thing residents of a Washington, D.C. suburb expected in May, but with today’s unpredictable weather, almost anything seems possible. Nisa Islam Muhammad, a Final Call staff writer, experienced the severe winds firsthand. “The wind started howling and the noise was incredible. I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and all I...

To proclaim liberty to the captives, Part 2

by Student Minister Dr. Abdul Haleem Muhammad Student National Prison Reform Minister Abdullah Muhammad has been given a monumental assignment by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. In Texas alone, there are 252 county jails, 17 state jails, 80 state and private prison facilities, 18 stand-alone federal prisons, and nine federal prison camps according to various government websites. claims 1.9...

Athletics without activism

CHARLENEM Forty years after historic Olympic protest, athletes’ voices missing from Black struggle LOS ANGELES ( - As world class athletes competed in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, displays of strength, agility and fruit of hard work and sacrifice were apparent, but some American athletes showed their activism with protests against China’s treatment of Tibetans, the Sudanese military conflict in...

Physical and spiritual preparation takes center stage at International Training Conference

Charlene Muhammad and Donna Muhammad CHICAGO—Another International Training Conference hosted by Grandmaster Abdul Azziz (Anthony) Muhammad is in the history books, and this year’s was highly considered to be the best one yet. Multiple-degreed masters in martial arts, their students, members of the Nation of Islam and guests from all across the globe traveled to the “Windy City,” under a national excessive...