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A family triumphs after the Oscar Grant tragedy

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM ( - The fourth anniversary of the death of Oscar Grant, III, was marked by a level of triumph through cultural, social and political activism reaching far beyond his family, the place and time when the tragedy occurred. Wanda Johnson, Oscar Grant's mother, celebrated her birthday on New Year's Eve as she has since the day he was...

Former President Trump’s appearance at NABJ convention, contentious 

CHICAGO—Before former U.S. President and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump hit the stage during the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) 2024 Convention, his expected appearance had already created a buzz more than 24 hours before journalists gathered in downtown Chicago. Social media sites hummed with people criticizing NABJ President Ken Lemon and NABJ leadership for inviting Mr. Trump. Some...

Calls for united response to death of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman feed push for Florida boycott

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM Clear strategy, unity called keys to success Experts discuss punishing Sunshine State and need to strengthen Black economy Justice for Trayvon ignites a new movement, say activists (FCN, 07-23-2013_ ( - Calls for a boycott in the wake of a Florida jury’s acquittal of the man who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin have raised questions about whether Black America’s financial divestment from...

America: A dishonest broker of peace in the Middle East

“America is not going to stay in the Middle East. And I have to tell you, Israel won’t remain there either. That’s prophecy—but I got it from the Mouth of God; and I’ll tell you how it’s going to happen and show it to you in your scriptures.” —The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, “What Does Allah The Great Mahdi And...

Winnie and Nelson: Forever linked to freedom struggle

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM ( - As Black female leaders celebrate the life and legacy of South African leader Madiba Nelson Mandela, they say it is imperative to also lift up Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, his former wife who helped hold the anti-apartheid movement together during his unjust imprisonment for 27 years. They refuse to let mainstream media write Winnie Mandela out...

‘They need to feel our love and attention’ – Program encourages Black incarcerated dads to bond with their daughters

While Mustafa Wright was incarcerated at the D.C. Jail, he walked past a bulletin board and noticed a sign for a new dads’ group. The group would meet for 10 weeks. He signed up immediately. Mr. Wright joined 15 other men looking to improve their relationships with their daughters. The class became the highlight of his week. “I realized that...

Tragedy at Fort Hood: Will violence increase as more war weary veterans return?

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM ( - The mental and emotional toll of combat from America's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on military service personnel is once again center stage after the latest shooting by an Army specialist on a U.S. military base. Army Specialist Ivan Lopez, 34, has been identified as the gunman in the April 2 shooting that left four...

Police say Black male shot himself in back while handcuffed, parents demand answers

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM and Walter Umrani Muhammad NEW ORLEANS - The family of a 22-year-old Black man, their attorneys and Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference Sept. 4, expressing outrage and refuting claims by police that Victor White III committed suicide while handcuffed in back of a police vehicle. At the press conference and rally held at Southern University A...

Muslim publisher assembles panel on domestic violence, sexual abuse and stalking

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM HOUSTON, Texas ( - Ebony Muhammad studies death, dying, bereavement, and psychological methods for coping with loss. She publishes Hurt2Healing Magazine online, which routinely features articles about domestic and sexual violence. She recently assembled a panel of survivors to help women and girls who are suffering those assaults in silence. The “Women of Transformation Summit: “Turning Wounds Into Wisdom”...

A movement pushes for safe vaccines, parental rights and protecting children

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM SANTA MONICA, Calif. - Participants in Health Freedom rallies on the West Coast were vocal and vowing to repeal a new law mandating vaccines for all public school children. They also demanded that Congress subpoena a federal CDC whistleblower to showcase charges about a vaccine's link to autism in Black boys. Many mourned and questioned the sudden...