Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad Page 18

What Is Islam?

While teaching and representing a religion called "Islam" to you, the first important thing to do is to answer the questions: What is Islam? Who is the author? Who are its prophets and people? Such questions could be answered in a few words or one could make books out the answers. Briefly, "Islam" means entire submission to the...

Everything Has Failed

Islam comes after everything else fails. Its significance is the making of Peace. The Muslim’s greeting to each other is “Peace.” What better religion could we desire after being divided and made enemies of each other? Do not tell us that you have “unity and peace” in the White race’s religion called Christianity. The White race does not...

Land of Our Own Qualifications

What we must understand today is the importance of acquiring land of our own. We are no longer a mere handful of people. We are a little better than 22 million in population and still increasing. We cannot forever continue to depend upon America to give us a job, send us to school, build our houses and sell us...

Birth control death plan!

To the Lost-Found members of the tribe of Shabazz (the so-called Negroes), I warn you– my people– and especially the women. Be aware of the tricks the devils are using to instill the idea of a false birth control in their clinics and hospitals. STERILIZATION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL, BUT THE END OF ALL POSSIBILITY TO BEAR CHILDREN. The example...

The Great Days,  The Terrible Days of God

We must not forget how we are warned by prophecies for one hundred years and for one thousand years that an end must come to his world. The rulers of this world must be removed and the crown must be taken off and placed upon another head, and they will rule in justice and righteousness. The people of this world...

He (Allah) Makes All Things New

He, Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person, will create a new heaven and a new earth, a new Islam and new government and people. The new earth referred to is a new people who will change the old into such a great future that actually the earth will look like a new earth and a new earth will...

The World

The World (under the rule of the white race) that we have been living in had a duration of time of 6,000 years. We have been living in The World for the duration of her time, and now her time is up, and she (The World) is conscious to the fact that God Will Rule the people in...

Put Muslim Program to Congress

Ever since the ’30 s America has been struck by drought and dust storms. The outlook is for hail and snow storms, great flooding rains, earthquakes, terrific cold and ice. These blasts of the elements will ruin crops, highways, railroad tracks, bridges and street pavements. The Holy Qur’an prophesies Allah sending a calamity to destroy crops and generally plague...

Will White Christians accept Islam?

We have thousands of the darker people joining Islam all over the earth, but a very few Whites accept Islam. The door of Islam has always been open to everyone who desired to accept it, but today it is different. The door of this religion is now being closed against the White race which has repeatedly rejected Islam,...

Modern Babylon is Falling

We say “modern” when we refer to something comparing it to the past. This name “Babylon” begins in Genesis 10:10 (Bible). In Gen. 10:10 it is spelled “B-a-b-e-l.” But the same name seems to have changed itself into the name Babylon as we come to the most late-day history of this name. Babel (Babylon)–According to the history of Babylon...