Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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When Abe Lincoln, J.F. Kennedy Spoke Out for Negroes

From the death of Abraham Lincoln to the assassination of President Kennedy, it proves that on each one of these occasions where outlaws overruled legal authority, it was in the case of Presidents who opened their mouths and said something favorable for the so-called Negro. I am not saying that this was the reason President Kennedy was assassinated, but...

The Two Worlds, The Two Camps

The World is divided into two camps -- Islam and Christianity. Christianity, or we may say, the White man, has been in power for 6,000 years. He has ruled independently since the birth of Moses, 4,000 years. Islam came to Israel from Moses. Israel rebelled and Nimrod broke the civilization of Moses in the 17th century from Moses. So...


Independence means to be free of the dominance of others. It is a very happy feeling for one to enjoy self-freedom! The White race, in the Western Hemisphere, takes this day, July 4, 1972, to be a day to worship in remembrance of their achieving Independence from other people. The White race in the Western Hemisphere had to conquer the...

Make All Things New

“Behold I, (Allah), make all things new and He said unto Me, write: For these words are true and faithful” (Bible, Rev. 21:5) It is necessary for me to consult or refer to the Bible for this subject. It can be found in the Holy Qur'an, but not in the exact words as are found in the Bible. So,...

Meaning of Islam

Entire submission to the Will of Allah (God), the religion of Allah (God), and His prophets is the natural religion of the righteous (Holy Qur-an 30:30), which will dominate all other religions (Holy Qur-an 61:8-9). “Surely the true religion of Allah (God) is Islam” (Holy Qur-an 3:18). Can we say this of other religions? Does the Bible give...

Money, Good Homes, Friendship! by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Money, good homes and friendship in all walks of life is what God has promised us–the God Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, the Finder and Redeemer of us who were lost from our people and country for the past 400 years. He now offers to set us in heaven...

Understand Self

There are some efforts to celebrate a so-called "Negro History Week," and some of my people will participate. The planning of that week to teach the slave a knowledge of his past is not complete, sufficient or comprehensive enough to enable my people to learn the true knowledge of themselves. It is important that my people learn the...

We must own good, productive land

What the so-called Negro must do for himself Men everywhere are seeking unity among themselves. Every race of people want unity with their own kind first, except my people, the so-called Negro in America. Our condition and lack of love for ourselves must be attributed to the slave-master. He has been our teacher until the coming of Almighty God,...

The Troubled America

America, in trying to hold her place as the greatest power among the nations of earth, is one of the most troubled countries on earth today. The world has never before seen the top rulers of the land leaving their offices to visit nations abroad. The purpose of these visits to foreign countries is to make peace with them after...


Holy Qur’an Chapter 9:73O Prophet, strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them. And their abode is hell and evil is the destination. The Messenger is taught by the Holy Qur’an to be hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites. There is no such thing as helping a hypocrite to believe that which he...