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Federal gang bill is ‘open warfare,’ says activist

and Saeed ShabazzStaff Writers Newark gangs sign treaty to end hostility, agree to Bring the Peace (FCN, 07/10/2004)Farrakhan's Message to the Gang Leaders (SD2002, 02/12/2002) ( - Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is offering the “Criminal Street Gang Abatement Act of 2004” as the answer to gang violence. This bill would make it a federal crime to participate in a “criminal...

HBCUs address mental health and healthcare access

ATLANTA—Yvette Essounga, a faculty member at Tuskegee University, attended the United Negro College Fund’s UNITE 2022 Summit to learn how to better communicate with and understand her students. She noted that the Black community is plagued with mental health issues and believes it is the duty of faculty to help students cope. “I’m Black. I’m a woman. I’m an immigrant....

No draft! No way!

Gearing Up for the Draft (12-13-2004)The 2005 United States Draft: Will you answer the call? (FCN, 07-17-2004) NEW YORK ( - Kim Rosario, 38, became an anti-war activist after her oldest son, Joshua was sent to Iraq earlier this year. “I talk to anyone who will listen on buses, on the subway and in the supermarket. I want them to...

New York’s first Gun Violence Prevention Czar hopes to make a difference

by Daleel Jabir Muhammad@DaleelJabir NEW YORK—Andre T. Mitchell, founder and CEO of Man-Up Inc., became the first New York City Gun Violence Prevention Czar. He was appointed to the post by Mayor Eric Adams, the 110th mayor of New York and second Black mayor of the city. The new position was created to address escalating gun violence and other crimes...

FBI silent on reports that it watches the Web

The Electronic Frontier Foundation HomepageBush presses for stepped-up Internet surveillance (FCN, 02-04-2004)ADL: Censoring the Internet on behalf of Israel (FPP/ 01-10-2001) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Is the U.S. government spying on its citizens' email and Web surfing habits? The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a group that defends civil liberties on the Internet, believes the answer is probably “yes.” Earlier in January, the...

Black farmers face another broken promise

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Joe Biden promised relief to struggling Black farmers. But recent legislation has just promised more disappointment. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Section 22008 signed into law by Mr. Biden on Aug. 16, repeals the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 1005 which provided Black, Native and other Farmers of Color debt relief. Last year’s American Rescue...

Military recruitment down: Blacks silently protest war

Army recruiters: No Latino left behind (FCN, 11-24-2004)Conscientious objector status 101 (FCN, 07-21-2004)‘Hell no, we won't go!' (FCN/George Curry, 04-05-2005) WASHINGTON - The war in Iraq has had an unintended affect on military recruitment. Two years after the invasion of that country, the number of young American men and women volunteering to serve in the U.S. military is declining,...

Midwest on the move as Millions More Movement hits East St. Louis

FCNNEWSSOURCE Official site of the Millions More MovementTM ( - Embracing Minister Louis Farrakhan's call for a human force of epic and unprecedented dimensions that will rock America like a tsunami, Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz, national co-convener of the Millions More MovementTM and national chairman of the New Black Panther Party, took the city by storm with a powerful message...

A measure of closure, but work continues for parents of Andrew Joseph III

After eight years of fighting for justice, the family of Andrew Joseph III finally received some measure of closure. A jury awarded them a $15 million settlement in recognition of the wrongful death of their son at the hands of Florida’s Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO). It is a moment that has been a long time coming for the Josephs,...