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After Yellowstone, floodwaters menace Montana’s largest city

BILLINGS, Mont.—Devastating floodwaters that wiped out miles of roads and hundreds of bridges in Yellowstone National Park and swamped scores of homes in surrounding communities moved downstream and threatened to cut off fresh drinking water to residents of Montana’s largest city. Heavy weekend rains and melting mountain snow had the Yellowstone River flowing June 15, at a historically high level...

Are Black issues being abandoned on the John Kerry bandwagon?

Have Black Democrats given up on the system? (FCN, June 1, 2004)Minister Louis Farrakhan: Guidance To America and the World (FCN Webcast, May 3, 2004) WASHINGTON ( - The desire among Black Democratic Party leaders to defeat incumbent Republican President George W. Bush may be so strong as to give Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) a “free pass” on tough...

Guns, violence and America’s savage descent

America, land of the free and home of the brave, is descending into more and more madness and chaos.  In his book “The Fall of America,” the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Eternal Leader of the Nation of Islam, wrote about the country’s descent into savagery. He started by talking about her greatness: her richness, her institutions, her towns and cities, her...

In Harlem, a discussion on the Sudan

Sudan needs help, not sanctions - A report from Darfur (FCN, 09-23-2004)Sudan Government and southern rebels sign peace pledge before Security Council (UN News Center, 11-19-2004) NEW YORK ( - “The question of the Sudan is a complex issue,” Elombe Brath, of the Harlem-based Patrice Lumumba Coalition, stated during a forum on the Sudan in the Dempsey Center on West...

‘A total execution’: Kansas City activists continue yearlong fight for justice for Malcolm Johnson

It has been over one year since Malcolm Johnson, a 31-year-old Black man, died after a fatal police encounter, but the investigation into his death is still ongoing and activists are demanding answers. On March 25, 2021, Mr. Johnson was in a BP gas station in Kansas City, Missouri, when two officers entered guns drawn. In a surveillance video from the...

NYC Black and Latino cops file discrimination complaint

Black U.S. Capitol Police threaten second lawsuit (FCN, 08-15-2003) NEW YORK ( - Nine Black and Latino police officers claimed, in a complaint filed on Dec. 17 with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), that they have been victims of workplace racial discrimination and retaliation. They claim the discrimination took place from October 2003 to November 2004 in their command...

The harsh reality facing Black voters and the need for unity

Black America has long based its hopes on the campaign promises of politicians, and with the national mid-term elections less than 90 days away, party loyalties have yielded little for the masses as pledges are again made to herd Black voters toward the White liberal or White conservative agendas of the left or the right. As the country clashes over...

Supreme Court bans death penalty for minors

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - In a major, but razor-thin, victory for children's rights advocates, five of the nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court Mar. 1 declared that executing convicted murderers for crimes committed before their 18th birthday constituted “cruel and unusual punishment,” and was therefore banned under the U.S. Constitution. The majority ruling, which reversed a 1989 Supreme Court...

Minister Ava Muhammad ‘She lives forever in the hearts of our people!’

by Nisa Islam Muhammad and Charlene Muhammad The love, admiration and respect for Student Minister Dr. Ava Muhammad was not limited to registered members of the Nation of Islam.  A prolific speaker, popular author and media personality, Sister Ava impacted the lives of so many who were touched by her gracious and humble demeanor and her unadulterated love and representation...

America, we have an image problem

Global Opinion: The Spread of Anti-Americanism (PEW Research, 01-24-2005) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - In March 2003, Dr. John Brown resigned from the U.S. State Department after 20 years as a senior Foreign Service officer, telling then-Secretary of State Colin Powell that he could not “in good conscience” support President George Bush's war plans against Iraq. In his letter of resignation,...