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International online press conference gives update on legal, political, struggle of Mumia

By Michael Z. Muhammad -Contributing Writer- PHILADELPHIA–As the COVID 19 virus continued to ravage America over 100 participants making up a global audience joined a unique virtual press conference. They were listening to speakers who passionately spoke on why journalist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal should be immediately released from prison. Mr. Jamal was arrested in December 1981 and later convicted...

More mutant Covid 19 strains found in U.S.

U.S. scientists are reporting more coronavirus mutations across the country, and some health officials have expressed concern the variants may render current Covid-19 vaccines ineffective. Inside of America, there were 1,523 reported cases of the Covid-19 variant from the UK, 21 cases from the South Africa variant, and five cases from the Brazilian variant across the U.S., according to recent...

‘The situation is dire!’ The health battle of Mumia Abu-Jamal and a call to action

By Donna Muhammad, Contributing Writer “Freedom is the only treatment.” According to Pam Africa, MOVE member and head of International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, that was the sentiment recently expressed by Dr. Ricardo Alvarez. Dr. Alvarez is the personal physician to political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. Ms. Africa was a guest on a recent broadcast of...

Lawmakers protect police at the expense of demonstrators

Over the past 10 months, protesters fighting for racial equality have faced challenges from police departments and governments. Now, they face more challenges, as state and federal lawmakers introduce legislation aimed at cracking down on demonstrators. The majority of them, on the Republican front, say this is in direct response to violent riots the country witnessed following the death of...

Buy Black! Local initiative aims to strengthen Black businesses

CHICAGO—The Black Mall is helping Black-owned businesses stay afloat by hosting the “Black Business Crawls” initiative every Saturday in August. The Black Mall is an online directory that spotlights and supports Black-owned businesses across the country. Co-founder Cassiopeia Uhuru says Black-owned businesses need Black supporters more than ever. “It’s perfect; we already know that Black businesses have been disenfranchised and hurt...

Protestors demand: Free Mumia before he dies!

PHILADELPHIA—Hundreds recently gathered to celebrate the 67th birth anniversary of Mumia Abu Jamal and call for his immediate release from prison, where he has been held for 40 years. Supporters charge his case is fraught with all that is wrong with the criminal justice system when it comes to the prosecution of Black people, including police, prosecutorial and judicial bias,...

Brotherhood of Black Masons bestow honors, recognition on Minister Farrakhan

CHICAGO—Honor, service and brotherhood. These are just a few of the principles Black men representing Masonic jurisdictions strive to embody in their day to day lives. Members of various lodges recently bestowed the highest honors, accolades and respect upon the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam during a special gathering at the Palace, home of the...


Stop gov’t targeting, spying on Black groups, open secret files and free jailed political prisoners, say panelists The List? A war on drugs. An advanced FBI spy plane used for surveillance of Baltimore, Md., protests after the death of Freddie Gray after a police encounter in April 2015. A 2017-2019 FBI program focused on the threat of a “Black Identity...

A man of the people Reflecting on the life of Rev. Leon Finney Jr.

CHICAGO—Black Chicago is mourning the loss of Reverend Leon Finney Jr., a longtime pastor and community activist who passed away September 4 at the University of Chicago Medical Center battling leukemia. He was 82 years old. He is remembered for his hard work in the community in establishing fair housing and reaching  members of many walks of life. “It is with...

Medical professionals in Houston file lawsuit against hospital’s demand to take experimental vaccine

By the time you read this, 117 hospital workers in Houston have been suspended and could soon be out of a job. Methodist Hospital became the first major healthcare system in the country to force its employees to be injected with an experimental Covid-19 mRNA gene modification injection or be fired. This hospital’s decision is forcing them to be...