Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad Page 19

The World

The World (under the rule of the White race) that we have been living in had a duration of time of 6,000 years. We have been living in The World for the duration of her time, and now her time is up, and she (The World) is conscious to the fact that God Will Rule the people in...

The Great Deceiver and Tempter

Jesus did not teach in his time what today we call Christianity. He knew nothing about Christianity in those days. He had never heard of such. Jesus taught in his times the same religion that Moses taught–Islam. WE MUST be separated, whether we like it or not. I say we must be separated. I do not know why they...

Will America Repent?

This is a great question. America knows her evil-doings against us; but to repent of it, I doubt it much. She feels that if she tries to make up with us for her evil-doing to us, she would be inviting her disgrace among the nations of the earth. Her determination is to try and keep the so-called Negroes from...

The Judgment of America

The great dreadful days of the Lord have now come to America–the land and people who worship evil and indecency. Robbery, murder, rape, famine and deceit are the order of the day in America. If there is anything like a God of Righteousness–if there is anything like a God of Truth–should not He raise himself up and take His place...

Money, Good Homes, Friendship! by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Money, good homes and friendship in all walks of life is what God has promised us–the God Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, the Finder and Redeemer of us who were lost from our people and country for the past 400 years. He now offers to set us in heaven...

World Confusion and Revolution!

IN the stage of the making of the devil (White race) confusion existed between the Arab world and Yakub (father of the devil). YAKUB's (a Black scientist) teachings to his made-man (White race) was that they make mischief in the land, and rule the Aboriginal Black People, by dividing them one against the other. IN order to destroy the power...

The Great Day

We are living in a Great Day of God and Man. Allah (God) now Desires to take for Himself to Reign over the nations of the earth. There are two Gods. One god is the god of the evil and the Other is the God of Righteousness and Justice. The nature of the two Gods is so much different from...

Make America Know Her Sins

America represents herself as a Christian nation. This means that they are followers of Jesus, whom they call the Christ and say that they are crystallized into him and God and have become one. As they say, God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Ghost. They profess to be a friend and defenders of all peace-loving and freedom-loving...

The Two Worlds, The Two Camps

The World is divided into two camps -- Islam and Christianity. Christianity, or we may say, the White man, has been in power for 6,000 years. He has ruled independently since the birth of Moses, 4,000 years. Islam came to Israel from Moses. Israel rebelled and Nimrod broke the civilization of Moses in the 17th century from Moses. So...

Under the Shadow of Death

We, the Black lost-found of our people here in America live under the shadow of death by way of cowardly enemies. Every one of us–the cowardly enemies seek our deaths, one way or another. The cowardly enemies will not fight you as a brave man would fight you if they think that you would fight back. They will steal on...