Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad Page 19

The National Election

The Black man of America has been privileged by the slavemasters’ children for the last century to vote for Whites for the offices to judge and rule. This freedom to vote has made the Black man in America feel very dignified and proud of himself. He goes to the polls very happy to vote for a White ruler. Today,...

On Sport and Play

How can we say that we are the civilized people of the world when to be civilized, as Allah has taught me, one must have knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture and refinement and not be savage. America, more than any other country, offers our people opportunities to engage in sports and play which cause delinquency, murder, theft and other...

Reply to a judge

On November 8, 1963, according to the Chicago Tribune newspaper, Federal Judge F. Ryan Duffy ruled that the Black Muslim “sect” is not a religion but is rather racist and has for its objective the overthrow of the White race. He further charged the believers of Islam inside prison walls as having an impressive history of inciting riots...

Old World Going Out; New World Coming In

The Old World of mischief-making and bloodshed is now on its way out in order to make room for the new world of Righteousness and Peace. For the past 6,000 years we have had to live in an evil world that was designed to destroy the peace of man and to shed his blood. All around the earth, there has not...


God is a man and we just cannot make Him other than man, lest we make Him an inferior one; for man’s intelligence has no equal in other than man. His wisdom is infinite; capable of accomplishing anything that His brain can conceive. A spirit is subjected to us and not we to the spirit. Habakkuk uses the pronoun “He”...

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

It is almost unbelievable to see and talk with our people and find in their talk, in this modern rise of advanced education for all, that our very educators and intellectual people desire nothing more than to remain in the “free” mental shackles of slavery with nothing constructive for themselves and their people. After 400 years (of which one...

Original Man Know Thyself

It is knowledge of self that the so-called Negroes lack which keeps them from enjoying freedom, justice and equality. This belongs to them divinely as much as it does to other nations of the earth. It is Allah's (God's) will and purpose that we shall know ourselves. Therefore He came Himself to teach us the knowledge of self. Who is...

Blackman Accept Your Own (God said: Accept your own)

It is an act of intelligence and love for us to accept our own. One will say, “What is our own?” No. 1, our own people–our own earth, God and His religion, Islam (the religion of peace) and our own place in the sun. This Divine call to us to accept our own makes sense. Everything of life will...

Islam for the so-called negroes by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Say: “O people, if you are in doubt as to my religion, (Islam) then know that I do not serve those whom you serve besides Allah, Who will cause you to die” (Holy Qur'an 10:104) According to the past histories of prophets and reformers, the very people to whom they were sent with the light of truth were their rejecters...

Make All Things New

“Behold I, (Allah), make all things new and He said unto Me, write: For these words are true and faithful” (Bible, Rev. 21:5) It is necessary for me to consult or refer to the Bible for this subject. It can be found in the Holy Qur'an, but not in the exact words as are found in the Bible. So,...