Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad Page 20

The Unity of 22 Million

The unity of 22 million so-called Negroes up from slavery is the answer to our salvation. We are suffering untold torture and murder at the hands of our enemies (the children of our slave-master) because of the lack of unity. The cause of this lack of unity among us is due to the work and teaching of our enemies, the...


If you who disbelieve in the Truth would only consider the time in which we now live, you would bear witness that it is the very truth from your God that I am teaching. Just when should we expect Truth to be triumphant? The answer is: after the removal of falsehood. The Time referred to in this book is the...

The Significance of Prayer

“O you who believe, remember Allah, remembering Him frequently and glorifying Him morning and evening. He it is Who sends His blessings on you, and so do His angels, that He may bring you forth out of utter darkness into the light and He is merciful to the believers (Prayer is better than sleep.)” (Holy Qur'an 33:41-43). This alone...

The National Election

The Black man of America has been privileged by the slavemasters’ children for the last century to vote for Whites for the offices to judge and rule. This freedom to vote has made the Black man in America feel very dignified and proud of himself. He goes to the polls very happy to vote for a White ruler. Today,...

When Ye Shall See All These Things

The Fall of America

Jesus prophesied that when we see the fulfillment of the prophecy of this time, then we should know, by such acts of the people–strange actions that we have never witnessed before–carried on by the people–“Know that it (the end) is near, even at the doors.” The Bible prophesies in Daniel and Matthew, saying that this is a time that...

The Dreadful Times of America

America, and especially North America, has entered into the time that was predicted by Moses and the prophets between him and Jesus. In the 24th Chapter of Matthew there is a prophecy made by Jesus of the present time of America, without mentioning her name. He referred to the country as a world because this part of the earth is...

Mary, Joseph and Jesus

The 25th of December is the birthday of Nimrod, the evil demon of the White race, who was born in the last 300 years of the civilization of Moses (17th Century B.C.). From Moses to Jesus, there were many minor prophets and there were many wicked rulers. Jesus came, warning the White race that if they did not accept the...

Time Is At Hand

Know that Allah is with us (the Believers), and Allah has promised in the Bible and in the Holy Qur’an, that if we believe and put our trust in Him, He is sufficient as a Protector, that no weapons formed against the true Believers will prosper. We are the true Believers of Allah. As the Holy Qur’an teaches, they planned...

Modern Babylon is Falling

We say “modern” when we refer to something comparing it to the past. This name “Babylon” begins in Genesis 10:10 (Bible). In Gen. 10:10 it is spelled “B-a-b-e-l.” But the same name seems to have changed itself into the name Babylon as we come to the most late-day history of this name. Babel (Babylon)–According to the history of Babylon...

To Gain A Place In The Sun

In this perilous and evil time, with the confusion of the people, government, leaders and rulers, the poor lost-found members of the Black Nation who are called Negroes, and their enemies, must know that the truth is their salvation and their greatest weapon at this time. The preachings and teachings of the true knowledge of God and the...