Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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‘Mystery Babylon. The Great’

According to the English interpretation, the word “mystery” means unknown uncertain, obscure, concealed, a secret, kept to oneself, between you and me, locked up, something that has not been or cannot be explained. In theology it is a supposed truth of fact of great religious import which is beyond human comprehension. In the time of the translation of...

The Coming of The Son of Man – The Infidels Are Angry

Who is His father if God is not His Father? God is His Father, but the Father is also a man. You have heard of old that God prepared a body, or the expected Son of Man; Jesus is a specially prepared man to do a work of redeeming the lost sheep (the so-called Negro). He had to have...

The Great Commotion

The great commotion of the government and people of America; the civil unrest, insurrection, mental excitement and noisy confusion–there is no action that is being taken, nor can there be any action taken, that would bring the people to a better condition of civil action. The White American people have practiced evil and injustice to the man in the mud,...

The Cruel Days of The Lord

What causes these Days to be cruel when God Himself Is a Righteous God? What now makes His Coming to be a Cruel Coming? It is because He Is the Righteous God, and He is the Owner of the earth. And the previous substitute (White race), that the earth was let out to, to rule the Original Black People for a...

America Hastens Her Own Doom

The ultimate aim of this world should be known to everyone, especially the righteous. We classify the righteous as being the people who belong to the right God, the God of righteousness, truth, freedom, justice and equality of the nation of righteousness. Today, the so-called American Negroes must be resurrected and made to know and understand the fate of anyone...

The Coming of The Son of Man, The Great Mahdi

“For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matt. 24:27) My greatest and only desire is to bring true understanding of the word of God, His prophets and the scriptures, which the prophets were sent with, pertaining to the lost-found people (the...

To Gain A Place In The Sun

In this perilous and evil time, with the confusion of the people, government, leaders and rulers, the poor lost-found members of the Black Nation who are called Negroes, and their enemies, must know that the truth is their salvation and their greatest weapon at this time. The preachings and teachings of the true knowledge of God and the...


If you who disbelieve in the Truth would only consider the time in which we now live, you would bear witness that it is the very truth from your God that I am teaching. Just when should we expect Truth to be triumphant? The answer is: after the removal of falsehood. The Time referred to in this book is...

Be Yourself

Allah’s great teaching and warning to us (the so- called Negroes) is: “Be Yourself.” What is our ownself? He answers that “Your ownself is a righteous Muslim, born of the Tribe of Shabazz.” He taught us that we are the original people of the earth who have no birth record. He calls on us to submit to him that he...

The Blood Shedder

According to the word of Allah (God) and the history of the world, since the grafting of the Caucasian race 6,000 years ago, they have caused more bloodshed than any people known to the black nation. Born murderers, their very nature is to murder. The Bible and Holy Qur'an Sharrieff are full of teachings of this bloody race of...