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A race they endured

FCNNEWSSOURCE Muslims complete Chicago Marathon ( - Nearly six months of training enabled Nation of Islam members Paula Muhammad (left) and Necole Muhammad to go the distance October 12 in the 26th Annual Chicago Marathon. The two first-time marathoners crossed the finish line at Grant Park, where close to 40,000 runners competed in the 2003 LaSalle Bank of Chicago Marathon. "I...

The Muslim Civic Coalition hosts Muhammad Ali film screening

CHICAGO—The Muslim Civic Coalition and the DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center hosted a free screening of “Ali’s Comeback: The Untold Story,” in commemoration of Muhammad Ali Day in Illinois, a holiday the Coalition helped to establish in 2021. The event, held on Jan. 17, was an opportunity for individuals of all backgrounds to celebrate the life and...

Delivering a message of truth and light

The Fruit of Islam (FOI) in cities large and small around the country continue delivering a mighty message of truth and light through The Final Call newspaper. The brothers distribute the paper with a cheerful spirit and positive attitude as taught by their teacher, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and His top student, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. We...

Let her come home! Charges in case of 11-year-old Black girl in connection with killing a White man in Louisiana do not add up

An 11-year-old Black girl in New Iberia, Louisiana, no longer faces first-degree murder and accessory to murder charges after the fact in the shooting of 36-year-old Kameran Bedsole but has been charged with obstruction of justice and faces seven years in jail after she pleaded guilty in open court on March 14. She has agreed to testify against her 15-year-old...

Former D.C. mayor still under fire

WASHINGTON ( - While many in the nation's capital have forgiven former Mayor Marion Barry for his drug problem–he's now the Ward 8 Councilman–Washington Post writer Tim Page, won't let him forget. The Pulitzer Prize winning writer, responded several weeks ago to an unsolicited press release from Andre Johnson, an aide of Councilman Barry, with these words: “Must we...

Retiring for ‘refiring’: Pastor T. L. Barrett steps back to leap forward

CHICAGO—For the past 56 years, Pastor T.L. Barrett, Jr. has led The Life Center C.O.G.I.C. church community, which has been the base for his iconic life story that intertwines with the spiritual, cultural, and musical fabric of Chicago. To mark the occasion, his community organized a three-day celebration April 26-28. The celebration, honoring both him and his wife, Cleopatra...

Gang shootings stun Los Angeles

Football hero slain, nine others injured as violence surges in the city A Special Message to Black and Latino Street Organizations (FCN/Min. Farrakhan, 12-11-2004) LOS ANGELES ( - In a city notorious for gang violence and drive by shootings, a rash of unrelated incidents have baffled law enforcement, community leaders and even some gang intervention and prevention workers because...

Court Ordeal May Not Be Over For Black Lives Matter Activists

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES– The Black Lives Matter (BLM) network is calling on Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer to drop all charges against six members prosecuted on misdemeanor charges of “willfully and maliciously obstructing a street and refusing the order of a peace officer.” BLM-LA's three-week trial ended March 25 with a hung jury. The city attorney is...

Judge rules against teens in controversial case

PALMDALE, Calif. ( - A juvenile court judge on June 23 “found it to be true” that two Black teenagers committed misdemeanor battery on a public officer and one made criminal threats in a case that gained widespread attention after a security guard at William Pete Knight High School broke one girl’s wrist last September. Juvenile court Judge...

Lock ’em up, earn big bucks?

Federal grant promotes racial disparity in law enforcement and needs fixing, say advocacy groups ( - Twenty civil rights and criminal justice groups recently petitioned a congressional subcommittee on crime to alter a federal grant program they say has resulted in racial profiling, police corruption and civil rights abuses. The groups made their appeal in a June 18...