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Top U.S. CEOs Make More in Seven Hours Than Average Workers Earn in an Entire Year: Analysis

The typical CEO of a major U.S. corporation has to work fewer than seven hours to make the amount of money that the average worker earns in an entire year, according to a new analysis by Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies. Anderson, an expert on executive compensation, wrote Dec. 23 that “if the typical CEO of a large U.S....

Are Black farmers finally getting some financial relief?

At the turn of the century, there were one million Black farmers in America. They owned 16 million acres of land. Fast forward to 2024 and after decades of discrimination from banks and the federal government, there are only 50,000 full-time Black farmers with 3.5 million acres. For nearly 100 years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) restricted...

Can millions undo years of unjust life behind bars?

HOUSTON ( - It has been nearly three months since DNA evidence freed wrongfully convicted Black male Michael Anthony Green. On the morning of Oct. 20 he received an enveloped document that nearly brought him to tears. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled unanimously that he is innocent of the rape crime that snatched away 27 years of life. “When...

‘Modern day, medieval torture!’

Activists put spotlight on harsh conditions in juvenile detention center CHICAGO—Several dozen community activists and a state legislator protested April 12 outside the Illinois Youth Center-Chicago (IYC) for boys, alleging deplorable, life-threatening conditions and subjecting youth offenders to extreme mental stress. The facility houses juveniles under court-ordered sentences. According to IYC school principal Michael McGrone, 135 inmates are housed there. Hip...

Black liberation freedom fighter Mutulu Shakur set for prison release

It is a bittersweet victory for those who have fought for Mutulu Shakur’s release.  While they are happy the freedom fighter will finally be able to spend his last days in peace and surrounded by loved ones, they cannot help but feel anger and frustration at the fact that it took a terminal illness for the parole commission to...

What Brings Rain, Hail, Snow & Earthquakes?

The Judgment of Allah (God) manifesting through rain, hail, snow and earthquakes continued to surround America as the New Year began. Massive storms battered California and parts of the South and Gulf States were hit with tornadoes, as January 2023 began. On Jan. 9, President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration for California and ordered federal assistance to supplement...

Black women mobilize for Marlene Pinnock

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM FCN Full Coverage: Justice for Marlene Pinnock LOS ANGELES ( Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Attorney Caree Harper, and more than 60 Black women from local women's organizations held a press conference and fundraising reception for Marlene Pinnock, the 51-year-old then homeless Black woman savagely beaten by California Highway Patrol Officer Daniel Andrew. During the Sept. 12 event at the...

Culture and tradition on display at African Festival of the Arts in Chicago

Culture and tradition on display at African Festival of the Arts in Chicago CHICAGO—Summer may be over but in the Windy City there were plenty of cultural events that took place. After a two-year pandemic hiatus, the city’s largest celebration of global Black culture held every Labor Day weekend in Chicago's historic Washington Park reemerged with a short, but powerful...

Minnesota officer who fatally shot Daunte Wright freed

SHAKOPEE, Minn.—Kim Potter, the former Minnesota police officer who said she mistook her gun for a Taser when she shot and killed Daunte Wright in 2021, was released from prison early April 24. The Minnesota Department of Corrections said Potter was released at about 4 a.m. “out of an abundance of caution” for Potter’s safety.  Potter, a White former officer for the Brooklyn...

Israel had forewarning about the October 7 attacks

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”—John, 8:32 The Zionist State of Israel is in political flux navigating war and growing domestic scrutiny about an unclear war strategy and endgame to its nearly nine-month-old war in Gaza. Meanwhile, lingering questions still plague Israel about the security breach that bump-started the war in the first...