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Prized library bequeathed to the Nation

NEW YORK (–Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan, 83, noted Black historian, scholar and Egyptologist, stunned the audience at the Salem United Methodist Church in Harlem Oct. 16, when he told the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that he wanted to donate his private library of more than 35,000 books to the Nation of Islam. The leader of the Nation of Islam...

The benefits of eating to live

In 1971, when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in the Nation of Islam’s newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, an article entitled, “How To Eat to Live: One Meal A Day,” many doctors and researchers brushed it off as mere religious dogma. Decades later, research bears witness to what eventually became the book series, “How to Eat to Live.” According to a University...

When is a terrorist ‘mastermind’ not a terrorist?

JIM.LOBE Cuba accuses U.S. of hypocrisy over exile ruling (FCN, 09-26-2006)Relatives of Cuban terrorist's victims plead for justice (FCN, 06-08-2005)Cuban ‘bomber' seeking U.S. asylum was on CIA payroll (FCN, 05-24-2005)Venezuelans demand US turn over Cuban for bombing trial (Jamaica Observer, 05-24-2005)Has the ‘war on terrorism' ended? (FCN Perspectives, 05-17-2005)Bush's new ‘axis of evil'–Castro and Chavez (FCN, 04-12-2005) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) -...

Akron cop fired over threatening online post about Minister Farrakhan

, Contributing Writer Akron Police Officer James Anthony was recently fired for posting an online threat aimed at Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan. On February 9 he was fired by the Akron Police Department for his conduct. The 23-year veteran had been on paid administrative leave while the investigations into his actions took place. Mr. Anthony audaciously posted on...

Anti-immigrant sentiment grows into nationwide hate crimes

CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES ( - As nationwide pro-immigrant conferences, marches and rallies continue alongside the increasing debate over immigration reform legislation, anti-immigrant sentiments are transforming into hate crimes against immigrants, particularly Latinos. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently informed that some Latino officials, including California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa have received hateful death threats. The announcement came in...

Kyrie Irving and the Dangerous ‘Knowledge of Self’

(Pharaoh) said: You believe in him before I give you leave! Surely he is your chief who taught you enchantment. So I shall cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides and I shall crucify you on the trunks of palm-trees, and you shall certainly know which of us can give the severer and the more abiding...

Keystone pipeline shut down after oil leaks into Kansas creek

by Julia Conley Climate campaigners on Dec. 8 were outraged but unsurprised as TC Energy in Canada—the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline proposal defeated last year—announced the 22nd spill from its original pipeline. The company said it had shut down the Keystone pipeline, which carries 622,000 barrels per day of crude oil, at about 8:00 p.m. after oil spilled into a creek...

Gang shootings stun Los Angeles

Football hero slain, nine others injured as violence surges in the city A Special Message to Black and Latino Street Organizations (FCN/Min. Farrakhan, 12-11-2004) LOS ANGELES ( - In a city notorious for gang violence and drive by shootings, a rash of unrelated incidents have baffled law enforcement, community leaders and even some gang intervention and prevention workers because...

Rich-poor gap in medical care stirs alarm

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - More than one billion people worldwide are not getting essential health care, according to a report by the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), which calls for international donors to focus more on closing the growing health gap between the world's wealthy nations and its poorest. The 32-page report, "Improving the Health of the World's Poorest People," finds...

Asian, Black unity conference calls for dialogue, examines shared struggle

PHILADELPHIA—Unfazed by a powerful snowstorm and inclement weather, a cadre of youth, students, and professionals gathered at the Asian Art Initiative in Chinatown to discuss the benefits of Asian and African American unity. The March 12 gathering called for an examination of the anticolonial movements in Korea and Vietnam and linking them to the Black freedom movement in America. Martin...