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Report examines economic and fear factors leading to declining U.S. birth rates

A recent report revealed that women are delaying starting families, are having fewer children, and some are choosing not to have children at all. A CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, report revealed the United States general fertility rate decreased by three percent from 2022, reaching a historic low. This means just under 3.6 million babies were born in...

Post 9/11 immigrant round-up backfired, group says

/GIN WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN)–Measures taken by the U.S. administration against Arab and Muslim immigrants after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against New York and the Pentagon have not only failed to protect U.S. security, but may have made it more vulnerable, according to a major report released here June 26. The round-up and detention of more than 1,200 immigrants...

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

By Ansar El Muhammad The Lancaster California State Prison Nation of Islam Study Group hosted their first Annual N.O.I. Peace & Reconciliation Conference. Special guest speaker was the Nation of Islam's Western Region Student Minister Tony Muhammad. Also in attendance was Western Region Student F.O.I. Captain Brother Halim Muhammad and Local Student Captain for the Antelope Valley, Brother Greg Muhammad. Around...

Rap legend Chuck D talks #HipHop50 with The Final Call, Part 2

Chuck D is a living legend. As co-founder and frontman of the iconic rap group Public Enemy, he is a hip hop industry pioneer, who advocates the independent delivery of music to the public and helped lead the digital download revolution. In part 1 of his recent interview with Final Call National Correspondent Charlene Muhammad (see Vol. 42 No....

‘At-risk’ no more: Baltimore Brothers mentorship program empowers Black boys

Baltimore Brothers has flipped the script and graduated nearly 50 at-risk young men from their manhood training program. Before a crowd of nearly 300 family, friends and supporters, the graduates stood tall and reflected on their 47-week commitment to change their lives.  “This graduation was the best day for Baltimore Brothers,” Executive Director Andrew Muhammad told The Final Call.  “We...

Congressional bill seeks universal healthcare for all Americans

ASKIAMSenior Correspondent FCN Editorial - Health care for all! (FCN, 07-05-2007)Universal health care - a right or privilege? (FCN, 10-12-2006) WASHINGTON ( - Thanks to a greedy health care and insurance industry which earns its profits literally by denying patients health services, the ranks are growing of people in the United States who are un-insured, or under-insured concerning their health care...

New evidence in Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case

ASKIAMStaff Writer FCN Editorial - Prisoners of Injustice (FCN, 05-31-2007)Congressional hypocrisy in anti Abu-Jamal resolution (FCN, 01-01-2007)The Mobilization to free Mumia  ( - On the eve of the anniversary of the night when a police officer was murdered and his accused killer was wounded, supporters of death-row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal released photographs Dec. 5 in Philadelphia, which they say prove he...

Hollywood and the portrayal of UFOs

By Safiyyah Muhammad -Copy Desk Editor - Since the early 1950s, UFO fans have flocked to theaters by the millions to be entertained by Hollywood's portrayal of UFOs and alien beings, mainly green creatures with huge eyes. More and more evidence reveals that these images of alien monsters are far from the truth, but are part of a world-wide conspiracy to cover-up the...

Master W. Fard Muhammad and Uncovering The Mystery God of Satan

“Mr. Yakub taught his people to contend with us over the reality of God by asking us of the whereabouts of that first (God); one who created the heavens and the earth, and that, Yakub said, we cannot do.”—Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, June 21, 1958 There are many people, both religious and non-religious, who have, over the years, seen fit...

‘A cathartic release for Black folks’ Intellectuals analyze, activists mobilize and others wonder what’s next after Montgomery Riverboat brawl?

It was the video seen around the world. It’s been called the Riverboat Rumble, the Montgomery Melee, the Alabama Sweet Tea Party with more fans than Ali vs Frasier I, II and III, Tyson vs. Buster Douglas or Leonard vs. Duran. Unless you live on Mars, much of America witnessed how this fight captivated Blacks and others through social media...