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U.S. military struggles with suicides, battlefield breakdowns and mental health care

Casualties in Iraq; The Human Cost of Occupation ( in ‘liberated’ Iraq a disaster, UN report says (FCN, 06-01-2005)Military recruitment down: Blacks silently protest war (FCN, 04-06-2005)Neo-Cons and the Motive for Iraq War (Minister Louis Farrakhan, 05-03-2004) WASHINGTON ( - In addition to a high rate of suicides among U.S. troops, brutal atrocities they are now accused of committing in Iraq...

Farrakhan: A heart and example to pattern our lives after

CHICAGO—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan marked his 90th birth anniversary on May 11 by feeding more than 2,000 people both physical and spiritual food over a four-day span. Like his Teacher, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Minister does not believe in birthday celebrations. However, Minister Farrakhan decided to mark the occasion by providing 1,000 meals to people in need...

Report and hearing reveal government surveillance of Americans’ financial data

“Look at the scripture, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen.’  Substitute America for Babylon. She’s unraveling. America is falling, is falling. Why are you falling America?  Because you have become the habitation of devils.  A hole for every foul person, a cage for every hateful bird.” —The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Unraveling of a Great Nation, February 23, 2020 Timeless words...

Obama’s next moves: poll numbers are good but challenges remain

ERICTOUREM -Contributing Writer- ATLANTA ( - The inauguration of President Barack Obama two years ago set a record attendance for swearing-ins in Washington,D.C., and marked the commencement of the four-year term of the nation's first Black president. Combined attendance numbers, television and Internet audiences made the inaugural one of the most observed events in history. Compared throughout his campaign to civil rights icon...

Friendly criticism and a call for dialogue on U.S.-Africa policy

NEW YORK ( - Panelists at a recent two-day forum at Brooklyn's Medgar Evers College sponsored by the Boston University African Presidential Archives and Research Center said the Obama administration has been sending “mixed” signals about Africa. Ambassador Patrick R. D. Heyford, director of the Office of the UN Special Adviser on Africa, moderated “The Way Forward: U.S.-Africa Policy in...

Hip Hop Summit convenes in New York

By Richard Muhammadand Saeed Shabazz NEW YORK ( - Facing potential congressional oversight, constant criticism from the mainstream press, and with many rap legends and artists concerned about its future, hip hop returned to its birthplace June 12-13 and plotted a new course. That future will likely include greater self-regulation, increased political activism, more enlightened expressions and a deeper understanding of...

Prosecution for Americans who forged COVID vaccine cards—But ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ for the powerful?

Court documents reveal how the U.S. Department of Justice has dedicated hundreds of thousands of dollars in resources to prosecuting Americans who forged COVID-19 vaccination statuses, according to a new report from David Zweig. by Brownstone Institute, The Defender This article was originally published by The Defender—Childrens Health Defense News & Views Website on January 24, 2024. Midwives in New York and...

Activists say protests against war continues

2003: A year of US and Israeli defiance of International Law (Electronic Intifada) NEW YORK ( - Anti-war activists held a press conference on December 16, across the street from Madison Square Garden, the site of the 2004 Republican National Convention (RNC) to say that the mobilization to convince President George W. Bush to end the occupation of Iraq continues. "The...

Congressman denounces ‘classic bait and switch’

WASHINGTON (Capitol Hill) - During a recent congressional hearing, an outspoken Ohio Democrat accused Neel Kashkari, the assistant treasury secretary in charge of the $700 billion Wall Street bailout dubbed the Troubled Assets Recovery Plan, of overseeing a “classic bait and switch.” Rep. Dennis Kucinich, chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 14 questioned why...

‘A cathartic release for Black folks’ Intellectuals analyze, activists mobilize and others wonder what’s next after Montgomery Riverboat brawl?

It was the video seen around the world. It’s been called the Riverboat Rumble, the Montgomery Melee, the Alabama Sweet Tea Party with more fans than Ali vs Frasier I, II and III, Tyson vs. Buster Douglas or Leonard vs. Duran. Unless you live on Mars, much of America witnessed how this fight captivated Blacks and others through social media...