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Israel interferes in U.S. business, politics

Controversy is heating up by the day between the global ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s and the Zionist State of Israel after announcing it is withdrawing doing business in “Occupied Palestinian Territories” out of protest of Israeli policies against the Palestinian people. The company known for its odd and unique flavored ice cream is also known for its...

Illinois governor willing to deploy National Guard to Chicago

by Starla Muhammad and Tariqah Muhammad The Final Call @TheFinalCall CHICAGO—Illinois Governor JB Pritzker said if asked, he would deploy the National Guard to the city of Chicago to combat violence. The governor’s comment was in response to a question about a statement from a political rival who called on the Democratic lawmaker to issue a disaster declaration in the city...

Redistributing the pain and redirecting our dollars

Price-gouging merchants that have taken Christ out of Christmas—which is supposed to be about Jesus, joy, love and happiness—saw a “lot quieter” Black Friday this year. According to Reuters, “Shoppers took to stores across the world on a Black Friday that appeared subdued compared with prior years, looking for discounted electronics, clothing and household goods in the kickoff to the holiday...

Activists hold police brutality ceremony

The challenge of policing police brutality (FCN, 02/09/2004) NEW YORK ( - There wasn’t a dry eye in Harlem’s St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on July 22 during the Stolen Lives Project induction ceremony, sponsored by the New York City chapter of the October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality. There are over 2,000 names on the scroll. This was the fifth ceremony...

No War On Poverty: The King Holiday and American Hypocrisy

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM Across the United States, celebrations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth with weeklong tributes, including awards ceremonies, banquets, prayer breakfasts, school pageants, parades, and special church services were planned with the official Dr. King federal holiday marked for Jan. 20. “The first thing you need to realize, Dr. King was assassinated. Killed, murdered by officials who...

Dying while Black in New York City

NEW YORK ( New Yorkers are saying publicly that it is dangerous to be Black in the "Big Apple." They are referring to a recent rash of police killings and beatings. "To further the ‘shock and awe’ program in the Black community, doors will continue to be rammed in. Black women and children will not be safe in their homes,...

Mass shootings and America’s obsessive gun culture

PHILADELPHIA—The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Eternal Leader of the Nation of Islam, writes in His seminal book, “The Fall of America,” that “The country of America displays and practices more savagery than any civilized country on earth. There is no such thing as law and order. The law is disregarded as though it were thrown in the jungle...

Inspiring, Enlightening, Fun: The Best Saviours’ Day Ever!

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM CHICAGO–The Nation of Islam's culture of unity, love and service saturated the atmosphere as Muslims and supporters flocked to its annual Saviours' Day convention from across the United States and overseas. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's keynote address crowned the highly anticipated event, which took place Feb. 15-16. Thousands filled the United Center for his message, even...

Mind wars and fighting for the proper education of Black children 

From the prohibition of learning during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade to poorly funded, segregated schools to the current erasure of Black history in America’s school system today, Black people have never been allowed to learn in peace.  In just the first three months of the year, before, during and after Black History Month, Black students from different parts of the...

Nation of Islam Student Minister Nuri Muhammad brings light into the city

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM WILMINGTON, Del. - His first name in Arabic means “light,” which sort of explains how student Minister Nuri Muhammad or “Brother Nuri” as he is called,   could illuminate Mosque No. 35 in Wilmington, Delaware with the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on April 5. During his address entitled, “Message to the Black Family,” Brother Nuri, the...